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Rainham Hall, Buckinghamshire

Two years later

“Don’t pull the lamb’s tail, George,” Helena called to her son from the terrace as she cradled her daughter, Olivia.

“He’s stroking the tail not pulling it,” Lucas called back from their spot on the grass. He turned to Daniel. “I don’t know why she’s so worried. When I was a boy, I would have tried to climb on its back and ride it around the grounds.”

Holding his son, Tobias, in his arms, Daniel knelt down to let the boy pet the lamb. The one-year-old had no concept of stroking and slapped the animal numerous times on the back.

“I think that’s enough for today,” Daphne said as she came to stand with them on the lawn. “Return the lamb to Mr Davies so he may reunite it with its mother. I’d hate for him to think it’s missing.”

There was something different about his wife today, Daniel thought. Her green eyes were overly bright. And the wide smile gracing her lips hadn’t faltered in days.

“Why do mothers spoil all the fun?” Lucas teased. “Say goodbye to the lamb, George.” Lucas took the boy’s hand and escorted him back to Helena.

“Do you have something to tell me, Daphne?” Daniel said as soon as Lucas was out of earshot. He stepped closer. The urge to kiss her took hold, and he bent his head and pressed his lips to hers before anyone noticed.

“Is it so obvious?” A giggle escaped from her lips as she struggled to hide her excitement.

“I am extremely skilled when it comes to reading the language of your body.”

She took hold of his hand. “Then you should not be surprised to discover that I am with child.”

His heart swelled. “You’re certain?”

“Of course,” she said, leaning forward to stroke Tobias’ head. “As we both know what it’s like to have no siblings, it’s important Tobias has someone special in his life other than his parents.”

Without a care for who saw them, he kissed her again. The need to demonstrate his love for her proved overwhelming. “Is that why you were awake for hours last night? As I recall, the last time you struggled to sleep you were worried about the intruder.”

“With you by my side I have nothing to fear,” she said squeezing his hand. “I trust you’re pleased with the news.”

“Pleased? I could not be any happier.” He suddenly wished they were alone so he could worship her as he wanted to.

“Perhaps we might celebrate our good fortune later this evening,” she said in the seductive lilt he so loved.

“I shall look forward to it. Indeed, I shall think of nothing else for the rest of the day.”

Daphne took Tobias in her arms. “The children need to rest. Return the lamb to Davies and then come and eat.”

“Well, have you decided?” Lucas said coming to stand at their side.

Daniel frowned, curious as to Lucas’ meaning. “Decided what?”

“Which one of us is carrying the lamb?” Lucas brushed the sleeves of his coat. “That is unless it’s trained to follow your heel, and then it can trot along behind.”

“I’ll carry it,” Daniel said with a chuckle. “I can see you’re wearing a new coat.”

Lucas raised a brow. “Ah, your eye for detail is as sharp as ever.”

Daphne shook her head. “I shall leave you gentlemen to your duties.”

Daniel stood in awe and watched Daphne walk across the lawn. Love burned so fiercely in his chest it was often difficult to breathe. Sometimes he’d wake at night in a cold sweat, believing his new life was but a dream. But then Daphne would wrap her warm arms around him and soothe away his fears.

His mind drifted back to the bleak day in Hyde Park when his world came crashing down around him. What if he’d let her go? What if Bostock hadn’t come to offer a logical alternative to chasing criminals through the back streets of London?

“If you’re sulking because you want me to carry the lamb then you only have to say.” Lucas’ comical tone disturbed Daniel’s reverie.

Tags: Adele Clee Historical