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“Murphy will take you back to New Bond Street.”

“Then I’ll say one more thing before I go.” His friend hesitated. “Betsy said fate has a strange way of working it

s magic. That night I helped you fight those men in the street, no one would have thought I’d grow to care for you like a brother.”

“You know how I despise sentiment.” Well, he used to shy away from all emotion. Now he was able to acknowledge his feelings for the man standing before him. “You have been my friend and constant companion all these years. I would not be here today without your support.”

Bostock stepped forward and gripped his shoulder. “Both our lives changed the day we met. Both our lives changed the day we walked into the modiste shop. We can’t fight it. We can’t run away from what’s meant to be.”

“It seems love has turned you into a philosopher as well.”

Bostock gave a weak smile. “Don’t you want to marry Mrs Chambers?”

Marry her? Was it a trick question? “Bostock, I would have married the woman years ago. But she rejected me then, and she has rejected me now.” Just saying the words caused a tightening in his chest.

“I used to say you were the cleverest man in all of London.”

“Used to?”

“Only a fool could be so blind as to miss what’s so obvious.”

Daniel was too tired to offer a rebuke. “Then tell me, Bostock. Tell me what a wise man would do?”

Bostock straightened. “First, he would stop moping about like a ninny. Then he would stop running and catch his breath. He would forget about the past, not care about the future. He would understand that the present is all that matters. A man’s worth is measured by those who love him and those he loves in return. Not by the power he has over other men.”

“I did not realise you had such strong feelings on the matter.”

“Make a new life,” Bostock said, undeterred. “One worthy of the great man you are.”

“Without me, what would you do to earn a living?”

Bostock shrugged. “Though these hands are too big to grasp a needle, turns out I’ve got an eye for detail. Betsy’s thinking of opening a new shop. A gentleman’s tailors. I’d hire people to do the measuring and sewing, but the designs would be my own.”

Daniel stared at his friend. To say he was flabbergasted was an understatement.

“So nothing is stopping you doing the same,” Bostock continued.

“I have no interest in gentlemen’s fashion.”

Bostock huffed. “I’ve seen how you are with Mrs Chambers. If you let her go, then there’s no hope for you. Look at you. You’ve never missed an appointment in all the years I’ve known you.”

“I’ll admit, I’ve no mind for work at the moment.”

Despite trying to fight his feelings, Daniel knew his old life was no longer a good fit. Outwitting peers had lost its appeal. He cared nothing for other people’s problems.

So what was it that scared him?

Certainly not his love for Daphne. He would give his life for her. The thought forced him to question his logic. If he was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, then why not abandon his work and embrace a new life with the woman he loved?

But what would he do in the country?

Perhaps land management could become his new hobby.

“I’ve always known you were the brains of this operation,” Daniel said as a sudden feeling of hope sprung to life in his chest. “Tell Murphy I’m in need of his services once he’s taken you home.”

“You’re in no mood to work tonight,” Bostock said nervously.

“I’m not going to work, my friend. I’m going to Rainham Hall.”

Tags: Adele Clee Historical