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“Then you have found it?” she asked not bothering to hide her desperation.

Daniel lowered his hands. “Answer my question first.”

“Keep your hands high where I can see them. You are in no position to bargain.”

“Oh, but I am.” Daniel gave an arrogant smirk although Daphne could sense his unease. “Allow Mrs Chambers to step a few feet to your right, and I shall tell you what you want to know.”

Lily looked at Daphne and hesitated. She pushed the barrel of the pistol into Daphne’s side while she decided what to do.

“What if I told you that you’d held the proof of your involvement in your hand only to let it go?” Daniel continued by way of an incentive.

Lily frowned, but then recognition dawned. “The pocket watch?”

“Yes,” Daniel nodded. “The one you sent to Lord Gibson hoping to convince us he was the traitor. That is why you gave us the paper with his name on it? With Danbury living in France, you knew we’d have no way of investigating his activities. Today, I discovered that Captain Lewis is in India, which no doubt you already knew.”

In the hours Daphne had sat helplessly on the floor of a shed, Daniel had been extremely productive.

“What doesn’t make any sense is the time frame.” Daniel sighed. “You feared that once Mrs Chambers and I became reacquainted, we would discuss the events surrounding Thomas’ death, which in turn might prompt us to visit The Mariners. But Lord Gibson received the package days before I began sitting outside the pawnbrokers to guard Mrs Chambers’ house at night.”

Daphne had not even considered that point. Daniel’s insight was remarkable.

“In my line of work one must prepare for every eventuality.” Lily’s tone conveyed her arrogance. “I’ve followed you both for years. A few weeks ago, I saw you together at the docks. Based on her flimsy clothing, I wondered if Mrs Chambers had taken a new profession. But then you boarded the Falcon, and I knew you were working together on a case.”

So Lily had seen them working the Harwood case, and all the while they had been oblivious to her interest in them.

“Now I have done your work for you and answered your questions, give me the pocket watch.”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to shoot me in the heart,” Daniel said, “for I will tell you nothing more until you’ve released Mrs Chambers from your grasp. You have a pistol, and I doubt there’s much the lady can do while her wrists are bound.”

It took Lily a moment to consider the suggestion. “Very well.” Lily pushed Daphne away. “Take three large steps. That is all.”

Daphne did as she was told, but hoped to heaven Daniel had a plan to save them.

Lily pointed her pistol at Daphne. “If she moves, I’ll shoot her. Now, Mr Thorpe, give me the proof I seek. I assume you stole it back from Lord Gibson.”

“Of course.” Daniel gestured to his pocket. “May I?”

“Retrieve the item slowly.” Lily’s eyes grew round as Daniel lifted the watch gently from his coat pocket. He threw it to her, and she caught it with her free hand. “I trust the proof is hidden somewhere inside?”

“It was.” Daniel shuffled backwards as Lily examined the gold case. With a discreet jerk of the head, he gestured for Daphne to move further back. Then he placed his hands on his head, even though Lily had lowered the weapon and had not instructed him to do so. “But it is not there now.”

Lily’s frantic gaze shot up. “Do you not value this woman’s life? Give me what I ask.”

“I can’t.” Daniel took another step back. “Lord Gibson removed the note from inside the case and passed it on to the appropriate authority. I called on him this morning.”

All the colour drained from Lily’s face. She glanced back over her shoulder and then cocked the pistol and aimed at Daphne’s head.

“There is little point firing at Mrs Chambers,” Daniel said ed

ging further away. “The note was written in code, and I am the only one who knows what it says.”

“In code,” Lily echoed. “Does it implicate me?”

“Your name is mentioned, but Lord Gibson did not give me the chance to read more than a few words.”

Lily’s lips curled up into an evil grin. “Then with you out of the way, Gibson will have no hope of discovering what it says. I’ll be free to leave for France with no fear of reprisal.”

Fear gripped Daphne by the throat. Lily would shoot. She was convinced of it.

Tags: Adele Clee Historical