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While Lavinia’s story sounded convincing, hearing Daniel’s confirmation sent Daphne’s heart racing. That one word proved powerful. Perhaps now he would be more open. But she didn’t want to press him further, didn’t want to bombard him with questions.

A distraction was needed. A means to pull him out of his black mood.

She placed her hand on his chest, and he opened his eyes. His heart was beating so hard she could feel it pounding against her palm. “Do you want to talk about this now?” With a quick glance at the bed, she smiled. “The only problem with leaving early is that we’ll never know what it’s like to sleep next to one another in such a large bed.”

A sinful smile replaced his grim expression. “That is one problem we can rectify.” He bent his head and kissed her softly on the lips.

The slow, sweet melding of mouths caused her desire for him to burst to life in her belly. The warm tickling sensation soon spread. Needing something more to ease the ache in her chest, her tongue penetrated his mouth, brushed against his gently at first.

Daniel wrapped a strong arm around her, pulled her tight to his chest and devoured her mouth with a hunger that stole her breath.

“Lock the door,” she panted breaking contact. “Quick. Hurry.”

He smiled, kissed her once more and then strode to the door and turned the key. “What’s the rush, love?

We have hours until dinner. I’m determined to study every inch of your naked body. All in the name of science, of course.”

Oh, he was so different now than when she’d first entered the room. Relaxed and carefree, his countenance was so bright it was almost blinding. This was the man she loved, the man she adored.

The thought forced her to jerk her head back in surprise. She loved him. Good Lord. Her heart swelled in confirmation. She loved him.

Daniel beckoned her over to the bed. “If you’re going to stand there gaping, this experiment may run into the night.”

A nervous chuckle escaped from her lips. It had nothing to do with his amusing comment and everything to do with the feeling of hope that sprang to life in her breast.

He held out his hand by way of a prompt, and she ran into his arms, eager to rejoice, to celebrate the wonderful feeling inside.

“I can’t wait to touch your skin,” she said as he ran kisses along the line of her jaw, leaving a hot molten trail in their wake. She tilted her head as he nipped at the sensitive spot below her ear. “I can’t wait to feel your hard body pressing me down into the mattress.”

Daniel growled. “Damn, love, keep talking like that, and this will be over before I’ve unbuttoned my waistcoat.”

“Then undress me.” It was like her addiction for him had found its own voice.

“Undress you? I’m so impatient I’m liable to tear the dress from your body.” He spun her around, ran his hand over her back. “Where the hell are the buttons?”

She giggled, the sound of an innocent young woman, not someone whose world had been tainted by all the terrible things she’d witnessed. “They’re at the side.” She turned back to face him and raised her arm to reveal the row of small pearl buttons. “Betsy made this dress for me.”

“Does she not know that a man struggles to say his own name when consumed with desire?” He held out his hands, and she noticed them tremble. “Do they look like nimble fingers to you? Even a child would struggle to open such tiny fastenings.”

“Then allow me.” Holding his greedy gaze, she undid the buttons, dragged the dress over her head and stood before him in her petticoat. She threw the garment at him, and he caught it with ease.

“I’ll have your undergarments too.”

Daphne enjoyed playing temptress. All her married life, she’d felt so hopelessly inadequate. She unthreaded the cords of her petticoat, lifted that over her head and threw it too. This time she aimed for his face and laughed when it covered his head like a veil.

“I think I can tackle the stays,” he said throwing her clothing onto the chair by the bed. He stepped forward. His fingers grasped the end of the cord and pulled gently. Poking one finger through the laces, he tugged until they were all free of the eyelets. He pushed the straps off her shoulders, his hands skimming her breasts in the process.

Daphne sucked in a breath. “For a man with large hands, you’re incredibly tender.” Her skin tingled in response. Blood pounded in her ears as loud as thunder. Her erect nipples pressed against the thin fabric of her chemise, eager for his touch.

Wearing a wicked grin, Daniel knelt before her. “Now for the moment I’ve imagined many times over the years.” He clutched the hem of her chemise, slid the garment up over her thighs, over the curve of her hip, higher still.

“You must forgive me,” he whispered holding her chemise at her waist. “The need to taste you is too great.” He buried his face in the hair at the apex of her thighs, his tongue pushing between the folds.

Lord above!

The action sent a jolt of pleasure shooting to the tips of her toes. She choked down her embarrassment, parted her legs to give him easier access.

“Daniel … I … heavens.” She stumbled back and fell onto the bed. Grabbing the ends of her chemise, she dragged it over her head and threw it onto the floor.

Tags: Adele Clee Historical