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Daniel shook his head. “I do not see how. If it’s a simple case of a mugging gone wrong, then I have no hope of proving it in a court of law. Any information the landlord imparts can be denied.”

“And if you discover your friend was murdered?”

“Again, any information given can be refuted. The truth is all I seek.” And a means to protect the only person who mattered to him. “You have my word that I will not involve the authorities. But if need be, if matters become complicated, I may have no choice but to take a life to save my own.”

The brothers turned away, their heads but an inch apart as they conducted a hushed conversation. Daniel stood patiently and waited. His success as an enquiry agent depended upon knowing when to fight for a cause and when to show restraint and patience.

“Every man ‘as a right to defend ‘imself,” the ugly brother eventually said. “And we understand the need to punish them as wronged you.”

“And you did us a great service we can’t ignore.” The pretty brother gritted his teeth. “That bastard Mackenzie got what was coming to him never you fear.” He shook his head, his angry expression suddenly masked by a calm facade. “But you don’t need to meet with the landlord.”

Daniel cursed inwardly.

To go against the brothers’ wishes would be an act of lunacy. But keeping Daphne Chambers safe was his priority and definitely worth risking their wrath. He’d visit The Mariners and accept the consequences.

“Then I must respect your decision.” Daniel inclined his head though wanted to knock what was left of their teeth down their throats.

“You don’t need to speak to the landlord,” the angel repeated, “because we’ve done it for you. Never let it be said that the Turners don’t reward loyalty.”

“Or pay their dues,” the other brother added.

“You’ve spoken to him about Thomas Chambers?”

“If that’s the name on the note, then yes. It’s been a long time, but Jim remembers those patrons with quality. It’s not often he’s asked to open his best bottle of port. He remembers talk of the tragedy. Your man was a nabob with a golden mop and a beak of a nose?”

Daniel nodded. The beak he referred to was the mark of many an aristocrat. “What did the landlord say?”

They beckoned him closer. “Your man met the same woman there every month or so.”

Daniel’s throat tightened at the thought of telling Daphne her beloved husband had been unfaithful. Anger flared. Thomas was a bloody idiot for entertaining another woman when he had a gem like Daphne at home.

“When you say Thomas Chambers spent time with a woman are you speaking of the working kind?” The service must have been exceptional to account for the regular visits.

The brothers sniggered. “The beauty’s particular about who she takes to her bed, Jim said. Seems she prefers sailors and the like to men of quality.”

“Does the landlord know her name?” If she still worked the docks, there was every chance they’d find her. But three years was a long time in the life of a whore. There was every chance she’d caught the pox or been transported for theft. On average two hundred criminals a month were shipped out to New South Wales.

“They say she goes by the name Lily Lawson.” The brother puffed on an expensive cigar and blew the smoke in Daniel’s direction. “The Carron is due in tomorrow. Lily’s always hangin’ about when the Carron docks. Can’t promise you’ll find her though. Course, your man Thomas travelled back and forth to France on the Carron many times according to Jim.”

What business did Thomas have in France? His income came from land not trade.

Daphne was right. Had this information been available three years ago, Daniel would have investigated the matter thoroughly.

“One more thing before you leave, Thorpe.” The pretty brother stood, the chair legs scraping against the floor. He sauntered over, and Daniel tensed his stomach muscles expecting a swift blow. The Turners were fair men but often needed to prove a point. “Does that make us even for you givin’ us Mackenzie?”

“You owed me nothing for Mackenzie.”

The brother chuckled, his pleasant countenance spoiled by the sight of rotten teeth. He slapped Daniel on the upper arm and glanced back over his shoulder. “Do you see where intelligence gets you. Had he said anythin’ different he’d ‘ave left empty-handed.” He turned back and gripped Daniel’s shoulders. “Word is there’s a pretty price on your head, Thorpe. Someone wants rid of you and quick.”

Bloody hell!

As if he didn’t have enough problems to deal with. But it wasn’t the first time someone sought retribution.

Daniel steeled himself. “There’s always a price on my head.” Trading information had saved him from many a scrape and scuffle.

“We’ve spread the word you're one of ours. Never let it be said the Turners don’t look out for their friends.”

“Then you have my gratitude.” Daniel gave a curt nod though he knew the brothers’ support came at a price. “And my loyalty should I hear any news that might be of interest.”

Tags: Adele Clee Historical