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“How extravagant.”

Lockhart watched her rub her fingers together to get the blood flowing again. She was dressed like a duchess, yet her actions reminded him of those huddled around a brazier in a dingy alley. He rather liked that she could be herself in his company. There were times during this game that he wasn’t sure what was real and what was done for the benefit of deception.

“Lissette will be up in a moment,” she said, failing to look at him. “Sharing a room makes undressing awkward.”

“Why?” He relished the prospect of having another opportunity to tease her. “You’re my wife. I shall lounge back on the bed and watch you attend to your ablutions.” An erotic vision of her standing naked in a hip bath flashed into his mind.

Her head shot round, her eyes wide with alarm. “You cannot stay while I undress.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Oh, can I not say I have my … my monthly …”


“Yes, and so must sleep in another room.”

Lockhart chuckled to himself. Never, to his knowledge, had a woman made excuses to avoid sharing his bed. To his knowledge, no woman had ever discussed a subject considered taboo.

“Perhaps you can use that excuse later in the week, once we have assured the staff this is a love match.”

Miss Darling huffed and puffed. “Considerate husbands leave the room when their wives undress.”

“And scandalous rogues take every opportunity to see their wives naked.”

“You’re not a scandalous rogue. You’re just a little misguided.”

“Misguided?” he almost said but thought better of it. Now that the conversation had turned to his failings, he decided to grant his wife’s request. “I shall go and pour us both a brandy. A nip will prevent a chill and settle your nerves. Send Lissette down to the study once you’re ready to receive me.”

Ready to receive me?

He had never spoken those words to a woman, although with his rampant imagination he could turn a respectable phrase into something licentious.

An anxious smile played on her lips. “I trust you have a nightshirt.” Her gaze journeyed over his chest. “If not, now would be the time to find a suitable alternative.”

He was hoping she might make allowances, that after sharing a heated kiss on the terrace she might be eager for more. “I can always wear a shirt.” Then again, she had asked him to wear one to bed not keep it on for the whole night.

A rap on the door brought Lissette.

Lockhart left them alone.

Time spent sitting behind the desk in the study afforded him an opportunity to contemplate the night’s events. He had hardly received the welcome home one might expect. Did guilt form the basis of Terence’s frustrations? No doubt he’d replayed the events of that fateful night many times over the years. Had Terence always loved Selina? He’d wasted no time in marrying the woman. Is that why he encouraged Lockhart to flee?

Lockhart gathered his glass from the silver tray on the desk and swallowed a mouthful of brandy. The amber liquid did little to settle the restlessness within. The game had begun. He had moved into position. Tomorrow, he would make his next move, and then he would wait for a counterattack.

It would come.

He was certain.

He spent the next thirty minutes contemplating all the possible scenarios before a knock on the door drew him from his reverie.


Lissette came into the room, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Mrs Lockhart, she says you may attend her now, sir.”

Attend her?

Oh, the lady would get his undivided attention for the next hour at least.

“Thank you, Lissette.”

Lissette curtsied and left the room.

Tags: Adele Clee Avenging Lords Historical