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“I know of a way to gain his attention,” she said as they were but a few feet away. “Pull me closer and whisper into my ear.”

Unable to refuse an opportunity to feel Miss Darling’s body pressed against his, Lockhart did as she asked. “Aren’t you even a little intrigued to see me naked in bed?” he whispered in a soft teasing breath.

He felt a shiver run through her body, but the actress tilted her head back and laughed loud enough to draw attention. The incessant hum of laughter filling the room diminished. He heard his name carried on a breeze of whispers. From the corner of his eye, Lockhart noted those in the vicinity turn towards the floor and stare. Deciding not to meet his brother’s gaze, not yet at least, he captured Miss Darling’s hand and drew her from the floor.

“Where are we going?” she said, hurrying to keep his pace.

“To the terrace.” Terence would follow. And the garden would afford some privacy should either of them fly into a rage, should they end up needing to release five years of pent-up frustration.

“But it’s so cold out, and I don’t have my wrapper.”

“I shall keep you warm.”

The terrace doors were closed to keep the freezing fog at bay. Lockhart opened the door, slipped outside with Miss Darling and closed it again. The frigid air smelt sterile until one inhaled deeply and almost choked on the coal smoke. Cold nipped at his cheeks and his breath came in puffs of mist. A white blanket of frost covered the lawn. Through the haze, ice sparkled like crystals as it clung to foliage and branches.

“How long must we stay out here?” Miss Darling shivered as she scanned the deserted terrace.

“Not long.” He unfastened his black silk cloak—part of his ridiculous domino costume—and draped it around Miss Darling’s shoulders. “This should keep you warm.”

She inhaled deeply. “It smells of you.”

“In a good way, I hope.”

“In an extremely good way.”

They looked into each other’s eyes. His fingers stroked the delicate skin below her collarbone as he drew the edges of the cloak across her chest. This time, he did not need to feign emotion. He did not pretend to feel anything other than a rush of apprehension and the carnal lust that always thrummed in his veins when he stood so close to Claudia Darling.

“I have a suggestion,” he said, shuffling back a few steps to lean against the wall, “though I am not sure you will approve.”

“Tell me you don’t plan to stay out here all night.” She shuddered as the words left her trembling lips.

“No.” He smiled. “Come here.” He captured the ends of the cloak and pulled her to his chest. “Let me wrap my arms around you. It will add credence to our story as well as keep the cold from settling into your bones.”

They were so close their breath mingled in the frigid air. Despite being dressed like a duchess—one who oozed with the confidence of her station—the furrows across her brow conveyed the true nature of the woman he was about to embrace, perhaps even kiss.

“We are merely actors playing roles,” he reminded her.

He had convinced himself of that, too.

“Even actors must have some reservations when forcing intimacy with a stranger.”

“A stranger?” Lockhart arched a brow. “Besides my friends, you know more about me than anyone else in that room.”

She raised her chin a fraction. It was enough to draw his attention to the pouting lips eager to make a point. “I know only what you tell me. How do I know what is real? How can I tell the difference between words spoken from the heart and the lines you have spent months rehearsing?”

Without thought, he cupped her cold cheek. “Can you not feel the tenderness in my touch? There is a naivety about you that rouses the gentleman in me. There is a puri

ty to your character that makes me want to devour your mouth in the hope I might feel goodness in my heart, too.” He paused briefly and wondered what it must be like to feel something other than hatred for his kin. “That is real. That is true. It draws me to you like a moth to a flame.” And yet part of him wanted to run, wanted to put a vast ocean between them.

Raised voices on the other side of the terrace doors captured their attention.

“There is no time to discuss this further,” he whispered with some urgency. “But I am going to kiss you now, Miss Darling.”

With wild eyes, she glanced quickly at the glass doors. “You should know I have never kissed a man.”



Tags: Adele Clee Avenging Lords Historical