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Claudia touched his upper arm. “The main thing is that your father is on the road to recovery. Dr Hewlett seems happy with his progress.”

“Yes, but Father insists it’s too soon to send him back to Berwick Street.” Indeed, he’d pleaded to stay for another month to recuperate.

“And who can blame him?” Claudia chuckled. “How is your mother coping?”

“Apparently, she suspected something was amiss.” Lockhart had spent the last week in London, preparing for their honeymoon in Scotland, before heading back to Falaura Glen. “She complained about being a victim of deception, about having no option but to accept Selina’s help because I was away living like a heathen.” Someone had to take the blame for the matron’s lack of judgement.

“Has your mother found a replacement for Simmonds?”

Simmonds had begged to remain in Russell Square, too, after Hester’s numerous attempts to coax him back to Berwick Street.

“The new butler lasted three days before packing his bag and disappearing into the night. And I’m afraid to tell you that as of ten o’clock today she’s your mother, too.”

Claudia grinned. “Oh, so now I’m your wife I have to share in your burden?”


She stared into his eyes for a moment. “You didn’t mind the fact your family weren’t at the church today? You could have confessed. You could have told them the truth about hiring me to play a role.”

Lockhart shook his head. He refused to give the gossips a reason to shame his wife. “As far as my family are concerned we were married last year in Meerut on the second day in November.”

“You remembered.”

“How could I forget?”

Claudia’s smile faded, and she sighed. “Soon they will learn that there isn’t a child.”

“Then we will have to do something to rectifying the problem.” Lockhart slid his arm around her waist and drew her to his chest. The need to make love to her thrummed in his veins. “Perhaps we should leave our guests to fend for themselves. It’s been a week since I’ve dragged a pretty moan from your lips.”

“You certainly know how to tempt a lady, Mr Lockhart.”

“Can I help it if I have a charm you find irresistible?” Lord, as much as he loved the company of his friends, he couldn’t help but wish they were alone. “Kiss me, then, in the way that makes me know you want me. Kiss me as you did that night in the rotunda.”

Claudia’s blue eyes sparkled. She moistened her lips and came up on her tiptoes just as Drake’s loud laugh reached their ears.

“Damnation.” Lockhart released his bride as their friends approached. “Anticipation is said to heighten one’s desire.”

“Then by this evening, I imagine we’ll be clawing at each other’s clothes.”

“What is so funny, Drake?” Lockhart said in an effort to dampen his ardour.

Juliet smiled as she gripped her husband’s arm. “Dariell has taught Emily to deflect a punch by using instincts alone. Devlin did his best to prove it was an impossible feat.”

Claudia gasped. “Good Lord, you attempted to strike my sister?”

“No,” Emily said as she stepped up to the rotunda. “He didn’t use his fist. He used my walking cane.”

“Sometimes the eyes are deceiving,” Dariell said as he sauntered behind Emily. “It is always better to use one’s intuition. My wife has just proved the point, no?”

The comment drew Lockhart’s thoughts to the blood-stained body at the inn. Anyone stumbling upon the scene would have assumed his guilt, and yet he had known in his heart that he had not committed the heinous crime.

Greystone and Lydia, and Valentine and Aveline, joined them outside for Dariell’s surprise. Lockhart glanced at his friends as they embraced their wives. Happiness radiated. It filled the cold air with a vibrant energy that brought hope for new beginnings.

“Well, Drake?” Dariell said, wearing a wide grin for it was his wedding day, too. “Are you ready to take your seat?”

Drake inclined his head and sat down on the bench at the harpsichord. “The keys are slimmer than I’m used to, but I shall do my best.” He flexed his fingers and adjusted his posture.

Dariell and Emily stepped into the rotunda. The Frenchman took his wife in his arms and muttered words of reassurance. When the music started, the couple moved slowly at first, following the steps of the waltz.

Tags: Adele Clee Avenging Lords Historical