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After taking a sip of her champagne, Honora said, “So you are all returning to town next week?”

“We must support Lockhart in his effort to clear his name.” Valentine glanced at Ava. His blue eyes flashed with apprehension. After the problems with Mr Fairfax, they had hoped for more time alone.

“Perhaps now is a good time to tell you that I shall not be returning to town.” Dariell’s declaration came as a shock.

“You won’t?” Lord Greystone frowned.

“My fate lies with the Darlings in Falaura Glen.” Dariell raised his hand before anyone had a chance to speak. “Do not ask me about it now. All will become apparent in due course.”

Silence descended.

The Darlings in Falaura Glen.

It sounded like a magical place, a place of lush green meadows, rambling roses and a babbling brook. Even in the dead of winter, Ava imagined people found it enchanting. A haven they did not want to leave. Despite having spent two days at Whitecliff, Ava felt a similar sense of belonging. This would be their home when not in town. They would raise their children here. She might even craft jewellery from a room overlooking the sea.

Ava’s heart fluttered at the prospect of spending a lifetime with Valentine. She rose to her feet, eager to have five minutes alone with him. “Please excuse me for a moment.”

The gentlemen stood.

Ava was in the hall when she heard Valentine make his apology, too. She waited for him, captured his hand and drew him into the study. Once inside, he turned the key in the lock and pulled her into an embrace.

“Does this remind you of our first kiss in the mews?” he said, pressing her back against the solid oak door.

Before she could answer, his tongue swept over her lips and penetrated her mouth.

Ava clung to him, fought the urge to rip off every item of clothing to leave nothing but his toned, naked body. The ache between her legs throbbed as he devoured her, drank so deeply she was close to finding her release despite the fact he hadn’t touched her yet.

“Oh, Valentine. I need you. I need to feel you, all of you.”

“Love, continue talking like that, and this will be a rather reckless mating over my desk.”

“Have we time?” she asked as a delicious image of him thrusting inside her took hold.

“We can be quick, though there will be no time to undress.”

“Then hurry.”

Valentine continued kissing her as he guided her towards the desk.

“I want to spend every day with you,” she said, watching him unbutton his breeches as she pushed aside papers, gathered up her skirts and shuffled onto the edge of the large, imposing desk.

“Life with you will be an adventure.” Valentine entered her body in one slow, intoxicating slide. “Ah, you definitely want me, Ava.”

“I have wanted you from the day we first met.”

“And I want you so badly I am willing to act like a libertine on my wedding day.”

Ava swallowed a moan when his thumb massaged her intimate place and he thrust deeper. “I like the libertine.”

“Then consider this preparation for when we attend Lady Carmichael’s ball next week. When we seek vengeance on the gossips.”

“Yes,” Ava panted as the coil inside wound tighter.

And that was the last comment either of them made for some time.

Lady Carmichael’s ball was an ostentatious affair with jugglers, acrobats, a performing monkey—although Valentine took care to avoid the wild creature who hopped on people’s shoulders—and a flowing fountain of champagne. Everyone who was anyone was in attendance tonight. Spiteful gossips included.

Valentine had arrived with Drake and Juliet while Ava came with Honora and Lady Cartwright. Having neglected to post an announcement of their wedding in The Times, and with Honora being under strict instructions to remain tight-lipped, Valentine and Ava received no hearty handshakes of congratulations.

Tags: Adele Clee Avenging Lords Historical