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Lady Durrant laughed. “Oh, you really are a prim little darling.” Her amusement faded, and she shot Ava a look cold enough to freeze the Thames. “Keep to your books and leave the ballroom etiquette to those with more experience.”

Ava bit her tongue. She wanted to say that she would rather be wise than wanton, but only the weak and insecure needed to have the last say.

Ava gripped the sleeve of Jonathan’s evening coat. “I have no control or influence over what you do, but I will have my ring returned else there will be hell to pay.”

“Your ring?” Two deep furrows appeared between Jonathan’s brows. “What the hell are you rambling on about now?” He shrugged out of her grasp. “I do not know which one of your enlightened friends brought you here this evening, but I suggest they take you home before you have a fit of the vapours.”

The stress and tension of the day’s events brought a bulging lump to her throat. Frustration sat like a dead weight in her chest. Enlightened ladies rose above petty squabbles, and so she sucked in a breath and gathered her composure.

“You gave Lady Durrant a ring,” she said calmly. “I wish to see it.”

There was a moment’s hesitation before her brother answered. “Why? It is of no consequence to you.”

Of no consequence?

Ava refused to leave before glimpsing the jewel. She stepped forward.

Jonathan thrust out his arm to prevent her from moving closer to the coquette who seemingly took pleasure from their petty trials. When Ava failed to retreat, her brother wrapped his fingers around her upper arm.

“Stopping meddling in things that do not concern you.” Jonathan firmed his grip. “Go home where—”

“Remove your hand from the lady’s arm, Kendall, unless you wish to meet at dawn tomorrow.” A tall, athletic figure moved in the shadows.

Ava recognised the relaxed sophistication of Lord Valentine’s voice. He appeared from behind a Corinthian column. While his countenance spoke of calm self-assurance, the determined look in his eyes said he was not a man one provoked.

“This is a family matter, Valentine.”

“Indeed.” The viscount glared at Jonathan. Raw masculine energy emanated from every fibre of his being. “And Miss Kendall is my mother’s closest friend. Consequently, I will not permit her mistreatment.”

Ava swallowed. A tiny part of her wanted to inform Lord Valentine that she did not need his help. A larger part wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and rest her weary head on his broad shoulder.

“I want to see the ring, that is all,” Ava said, finding her voice. “The ring Lady Durrant holds securely in her palm.”

Lady Durrant scoffed. “I don’t have time for these childish games.”

“Then show Miss Kendall the ring,” Lord Valentine countered. “She would not ask without good reason.”

Jonathan shook his head. “I’ll not pander to her irrational demands.”

A soft sigh breezed from the viscount’s lips. “A logical man might question who is the irrational one here. The one asking a simple question or the one being deliberately unreasonable.”

A warm glow filled Ava’s chest. Not since her parents’ deaths had anyone jumped to her defence. She looked up into Lord Valentine’s bright blue eyes, a little in awe of his strength and tenacity.

“For all the saints,” Lady Durrant said, thrusting out her open hand to reveal the sparkling gold band sitting in her palm. “By all means look, but it belongs to me now.”

Ava stared at the sapphire stone edged with diamonds. Disappointment crept like a vine around her heart to strangle any hope. While it was not the ring given by her mother as a birthday gift, it was a family heirloom left to Jonathan to present to his bride.

Tears choked the back of Ava’s throat. “You have proposed marriage to Lady Durrant, and she has accepted?”

Ava would rather he married a market hawker as long as she had a good heart. She glanced at Lord Valentine to gauge his reaction to the shocking question though he appeared indifferent.

“Marriage?” Lady Durrant mocked. She gave a hapless shrug as her arrogant gaze swept over Lord Valentine. “The possibility is open to discussion, but no, I have purchased this ring from your brother.”

Jonathan groaned as he dragged his hand down his face and rubbed his jaw.

“You have sold Mother’s most prized possession?” As hard as it was to tear her attention away from Lord Valentine, Ava focused on her brother. “Does Lady Durrant speak the truth? Has she purchased Mother’s ring?”

A tense silence ensued.

Tags: Adele Clee Avenging Lords Historical