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While the fantasy sounded wonderful, disappointment flared. “I couldn’t possibly spend money on a new dress.” They were yet to agree on an allowance and with the vowel still unpaid she could not be frivolous. “And everything in my wardrobe is rather dull and uninspiring.”

Lost in thoughtful contemplation, Isabella stared at the floor. Then she suddenly straightened, her eyes bright with excitement. “Stand up a moment. Let me look at you.” She took Priscilla’s hands and pulled her to her feet. “I’d say you’re an inch shorter and far more slender around the waist. We’d need to find a dressmaker willing to make alterations at short notice.”

“I’m skilled with a needle and thread,” Priscilla said though was somewhat confused as to what she would be doing. “And my maid is an exceptional dressmaker. I have but two days before Matthew hosts another party.”

“Two days is plenty. Wait here. I’ll be back in a moment.”

Less than five minutes passed before Isabella raced back into the room, her arms laden with vibrant yards of flowing fabric.

Priscilla rushed forward to help. “Have you brought your entire wardrobe?” She removed the luxurious red dress from the top of the pile and laid it on the sofa.

“Not all, just the garments suitable for your needs.” Isabella lined a sapphire blue gown, and another in black, in a row next to the red dress. “You’re welcome to have all of these.”

Priscilla jerked her head in shock. “But I can’t take your dresses.”

“I don’t need them. If everything goes to plan, soon my clothes will be too tight. They’ll only gather dust if left here, and it seems such a shame. Oh, and I have silk slippers to match.”

Instantly drawn to the red dress, excitement bubbled in Priscilla’s belly as she stroked the sumptuous velvet. “It’s so generous of you, Isabella. How will I ever repay your kindness?”

“It is I who am indebted. Had it not been for your sacrifice I would not have married the man I love.” Isabella offered a warm smile. “I will do anything to help you find happiness.”

Struggling to contain a well of emotion, Priscilla put her hand to her chest. “Do you think I’m strong enough to enter the world of the dissolute?”

“You’re stronger than you know.” Isabella touched her affectionately on the arm. “Now, let’s see if we can create something magnificent out of these.”

Chapter 8

“And so I told her to keep the blasted wig on for fear of what I’d find lurking underneath. I soon came to realise her timid smile was a way to hide the fact she had no teeth.”

Lord Parson snorted. “Good God, Mullworth, I know you’re tight with the purse strings but what do you expect when you visit a brothel so close to the docks.”

“I think I’d prefer the feel of gums to a mouthful of rotten teeth,” Chigwell said.

Matthew stood amidst the group of revellers and feigned amusement at their bawdy tales. In truth, he was tired and longed for his bed. Not knowing how to deal with his wife proved to be mentally draining.

“There’s a lot to be said for those who service sailors.” Mullworth chuckled. “Where else would a woman ask if you want to take a dip in the ocean of delights?”

“A dip? Surely you mean a dunking.”

Raucous laughter filled the air.

“I once saw an advertisement for a woman offering her services in Whitechapel.” Chigwell flapped his hand to get their attention. “As well as an extensive list of attributes she bragged of having a good leg. Leg? Leg! I thought. What about balance?”

Matthew cleared his throat. “It has nothing to do with only having one limb. The woman was referring to her stamina.”

“Stamina!” Chigwell snorted. “Well, why the hell didn’t she say so?”

“That’s why I prefer to keep a wife in watercolour,” Lord Parson offered.

“A wife in watercolour? Is it the drink that makes you spout gibberish?”

“Parson means he prefers to keep a mistress,” Matthew informed suppressing a weary sigh. Was he the only one sober? “In that the relationship is easily dissolved.”

The gentlemen chuckled.

“Well, we’d better hope Chandler here soon tires of his wife,” Mullworth said.

The mere mention of Priscilla caused Matthew’s heart to pound too quickly in his chest. To lie in bed each night knowing her warm body was just a few feet away proved torturous.

Tags: Adele Clee Anything for Love Romance