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"It doesn't matter now." She threw her arms around his neck, ran her fingers through his hair.

"What happened to you?" he asked stepping back and holding her hands as his eyes devoured every inch of her, searching for any sign of illness or injury. "Selene said you felt dizzy, that she came back to the cart but you'd gone. Did someone lure you away? Was it Samuel Lessard?"

Anna shook her head. "Selene locked me in the mausoleum. But I'll explain it all later. You must go after her. She is not thinking clearly. I fear she could do herself harm."

Andre cleared his throat. "Pardon. But we will go and find Selene."

Marcus inclined his head and without another word, Andre, Lenard and Justin hurried off in pursuit of his cook.

Anna dropped her arms. "You should go with them—"

"I'm not leaving you."

"Then I'll follow."

Marcus stroked her face, brushed the tendrils of golden hair away gently, and took her hand. "We'll go together."

They hurried down the steep, rocky path leading from the cliff edge to the sandy shore. With the tide low, the beach appeared to stretch for half a mil

e or more, and Marcus noticed a solitary figure sprinting towards the sea.

"It's Samuel Lessard," Anna said following his gaze as they hurried along the coastline in a bid to catch up with the men and Selene. "The package under his arm is a roll of silk. He intends to set sail in an attempt to smuggle it into England. But surely he's not going to run into the sea with it. Doesn't he know the salt water will ruin it?"

Marcus had noted the sailing vessel on the horizon. There would be a small boat waiting to ferry Lessard across. "They need to move now. When the tide is low, they're less likely to be seen as they're further away from the shore. When the tide is high, there's a greater risk of them crashing onto the rocks as the water surges and swells and can be unpredictable."

"I can see a small boat," she said.

Marcus glanced up at the thick granite-coloured cloud drifting closer to the shore. "No doubt he means to reach the boat before the storm breaks. It's possible the other smugglers have already boarded with their liquor, tobacco and tea. Lenard told me he sold liquor to the smugglers. I imagine from the quantity we found in the cave some of it is stolen, too."

"Lenard confessed?" He felt Anna's penetrative gaze, heard the surprise in her tone.

"There's not much to confess. He knew of their criminal intentions but needed the money. He never had any plans to smuggle the goods himself."

"Does he know of your involvement?" she asked with a sense of trepidation. "Does he know you're the informer?"

"No. But he knows I understand the risks involved, and I've warned him to avoid similar ventures in the future."

Anna gripped his hand. "I've a lot to tell you. But first, we must make sure Selene is safe."

Marcus' heart swelled with pride at her compassion for Selene. The woman had caused an immense amount of trouble and still he had no idea why. Anna's sudden gasp made him focus his attention on the unnerving sight ahead.

"Selene is climbing the rocks," Anna cried. "It's too high, Marcus. She'll never make it up to the cliff edge. What if she falls?"

They could hear Andre shouting Selene to stop. Lenard and Justin remained on the sand while Andre grabbed onto the first rock and hoisted himself up. By the time Marcus and Anna reached them, Selene had climbed five or six and had turned around to look out over the vast expanse of water.

"Do not follow me," Selene shouted balancing precariously as she leant back. The solid lump of stone provided the only support. "I will jump."

Panic flared in Marcus' chest. Despite all she had done, he had lived with her for years. She'd worked hard, been loyal up until now. Perhaps she was suffering from some imbalance of the mind? Perhaps she had done the terrible things at the behest of her brother?

"Wait, Selene." Anna let go of his hand and stepped forward. "Let me talk to you. Let me come up as I cannot hear you down here."

Marcus put his hand on her elbow. "No, Anna. As much as I pity the woman, we do not know what she is capable of. I've almost lost you once. I'll not stand here and watch you put your life in danger."

"Pardon, madame, but I agree," Andre said as he clung to the first rock. "I do not think it is wise."

"No!" Selene cried. "You must stay where you are." Her body appeared stiff, rigid. She had already proved to be unpredictable. One sudden jerk, one wrong step and she'd come crashing all the way down to the bottom. "I have ruined everything with my silly little fantaisie."

"It doesn't matter," Anna implored. "We will talk. We will find a way through it all."

Tags: Adele Clee Anything for Love Romance