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"It is not the life I wanted or envisaged for myself. And I cannot bear the thought of leaving Marcus here alone. I do not wish to speak ill, but he is more of a brother to me than Andrew ever was."

Anna's heart lurched as she imagined Mr. Danbury stomping along the cloisters with no one to talk to, no one to help him on his nightly crusades.

"What did Mr. Danbury say when you told him?"

"That's part of the problem," Tristan said. "I haven't told him. The letter arrived yesterday, but I recognised the seal and only opened it this morning."

Mr. Danbury would console him, ease his conscience and convey nothing of the inner turmoil hidden inside.

"Come." Anna stood and pulled him to his feet. "Let me wish you well. Then we will go together and break the news to Mr. Danbury."

"I cannot ask you to do that."

"You didn't ask. I offered." She held out her arms, and they hugged — as friends, as though they were kin. "I will stay at the monastery as long as Mr. Danbury needs me or wants me here, although that may only amount to one more day."

Tristan smiled. "He does like you, you know. For the last few years, I've been suggesting he goes down to the fair, yet he's not come within a mile of the place."

"Selene did seem rather shocked he'd agreed to go. I would go as far as to say the woman is terrified of him."

"As I told you when you arrived, his growl is worse than his bite. But wait until he discovers I'm a peer. You'll want to put your fingers in your ears for that."

Marcus hovered at the door of the chapter house and watched them embrace. Tristan and Miss Sinclair cared for one another. That much was obvious. He could see a glimmer of tenderness in his friend's eyes when he spoke to her. During their brief conversation, she had touched his arm numerous times.

Bloody hell.

The whole thing was driving him insane. Part of him would be glad when Miss Sinclair left. Then they could return to how things used to be. To a time when he didn't feel jealousy slithering through him leaving a poisonous trail in its wake.

As they stepped apart, Marcus closed the door gently with both hands and marched round to his desk. Last night, he had followed two men from Lenard's inn to an abandoned cottage set back in a copse just a ten-minute walk from the cliff edge. He'd followed the cliff as it sloped down before breaking to reveal the wide walkway leading to the shore.

His orders were specific. Alert Coombes at the first sign of Lenard's men loading their contraband into the boat. Now he knew where they kept their booty it was only a matter of time before they set sail.

The rapping on the door stole his attention. When Tristan entered, accompanied by Miss Sinclair, Marcus' chest grew tight. They had come together to tell him something important. A quick glance at their sorrowful expressions sent his thoughts into disarray.

"Tristan. Miss Sinclair." He gave a curt nod, kept his tone even and focused on keeping his composure.

"Shouldn't you bow to a lord when he enters the room?" Tristan said with a chuckle. He glanced at Miss Sinclair, who hovered at his shoulder. "Get ready to put your fingers in your ears."

Marcus sneered. "You know I wouldn't even spit on a lord let alone bow to one."

"What did I tell you? He despises peers."

"I am certain his feelings will change," Miss Sinclair nodded.

"I am still here. And no, my feelings on the matter will never change."

"But you're friends with Lord Danesfield?" she replied with a shrug.

"Dane is the exception to the rule."

Miss Sinclair smiled. "Well, then you may add one more exception to your list. Tristan has just discovered he is the new Viscount Morford."

Marcus shot out of the chair so fast the room spun, and he struggled to focus. He could feel the blood drain from his face, pooling thick and heavy in his throat. "Good God. Andrew is … he is dead?"

Tristan nodded. "I don't know anything more than that."

Marcus came around the desk and put his hands on Tristan's shoulders. "I am truly sorry, Tristan. Is there anything I can do? I assume your mother and sister wish you to return home for a time?"

Tristan shook his head. "Marcus, they want me to return home indefinitely."

Tags: Adele Clee Anything for Love Romance