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Pushing through boisterous crowds, being hugged by those too inebriated to stand was not his idea of amusement. But after all she had been through perhaps a few hours of mirth might lift her spirits.

"I would be happy to accompany you, should you change your mind," he said.

Happy was far from the appropriate term, but a show of benevolence would go some way to easing the guilt he felt. Dudley would continue to

hound him until he'd discovered the secret of Miss Beaufort's whereabouts.

"You would not mind?" The glimmer of hope in her eyes felt like a punch in his deceitful gut.

"No. We could ride out in the afternoon, leave the fair before dusk." Before the drunken revellers became a nuisance. Besides, it would give him an opportunity to observe the men of the village, particularly the landlord of the inn, Lenard. Marcus suspected one of the locals was guilty of assisting in criminal activity.

"If you're sure. Even if we stay for an hour." Miss Sinclair smiled. He made a mental note to make her smile more often. The wonderful vision should not be hidden away like the best china, only to be brought out on rare occasions. "It's been years since I've had the freedom to enjoy such merry pursuits."

Oh, he could think of a whole host of merry pursuits that would keep her entertained for hours. Indeed, his manhood throbbed at the thought.

"I'm sure." He gave a curt nod. It was imperative he kept a close eye on her. And for his sake, he wanted to see her face alight with pleasure.

They stared at each other for a moment, not knowing quite what to say.

"I … I should escort you back to your chamber."

She shook her head. "That won't be necessary, Mr. Danbury. I will be safe enough inside these stone walls."

She was right. Besides, the thought of standing just a few feet away from her bed, from the place where she slid those soft thighs beneath the sheets, was far too tempting.

"Then I shall bid you good night, Miss Sinclair."

She smiled, and he felt truly blessed. "Good night, Mr. Danbury."

Marcus watched her leave the room, the gentle sway of her hips causing his body to flame. Sweet Jesus. To think she lay just a few doors away from him.

How the hell was he to survive a whole afternoon in her company?

But she was a madam of a brothel, he reminded himself.

And a damn enchanting one at that.

Chapter 6

Anna rushed to complete her chores by eleven. She wanted to use the extra hour to soak the dirt from beneath her fingernails, apply the balm to her knuckles, brush her hair and change into the only other dress she possessed. Gone were the days when she had to preen herself to perfection. Victor had always insisted she wore the clothes of a duchess.

"Behave like a whore and they will treat you like one," Victor had remarked, the contempt in his tone showing how much he despised the aristocracy. "Behave like a queen and all shall bow before you."

Anna glanced down at the plain muslin dress, lifting the hem to stare at the dusty leather half-boots. A snigger escaped as she imagined Victor's look of horror at such simple country attire. Wearing her cape and with her hair tied loosely at her nape, she would easily blend in with the folk from the village.

A knock on the door disturbed her reverie.

"Come in." She smiled when Selene entered her chamber carrying the tiny wooden pot. "Is that the balm you've made?"

Selene nodded. The woman spoke English, although seemed to struggle a little when holding a lengthy conversation. "You must apply it every evening. It will sting but only for a few seconds." She reached into the pocket of her apron and removed two cotton squares. "Wrap these to your hands while you sleep."

Anna smiled. "Merci, Selene."

In the two weeks Anna had been at the monastery, she'd found Selene to be aloof, reserved. Perhaps she was shy or needed to concentrate on interpreting the language and so consequently appeared distant. When Anna had suggested they converse in French, she protested and said she needed to improve her English as Mr. Danbury often got frustrated with her when she failed to follow his instructions.

From what Anna had witnessed, Mr. Danbury was often frustrated with everyone.

"It's very kind of you to go to so much trouble," Anna continued, trying not to accentuate each word as if the woman were deaf. "Will you be going to the fair?"

Tags: Adele Clee Anything for Love Romance