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Madame Labelle laughed while Dane shifted uncomfortably. “Oh, my lord, why have you not brought Mr. Shandy to me before. He is a veritable hoot. Will you not kiss my hand, Mr. Shandy?”

Sophie took the hand offered and kissed it gently. “Delighted, madame,” she said offering her most gracious bow. As she stepped back, she noticed Madame Labelle’s curious gaze and her heart skipped a beat.

“Has anyone ever told you, Mr. Shandy, that you have the face of an angel?” Madame Labelle’s fingers traced the low neckline of her gown. “I have always been rather partial to angels,” she continued, letting her finger delve lower down the valley between her breasts.

Dane coughed into his fist. “Is Antoinette available?”

Sophie tried to suppress her anger. Why did he want to see Antoinette? Why was he so blatant about it?

Madame Labelle smiled. “I shall have her sent up to the green room in fifteen minutes. You do remember? It is on the first floor, the second room on the right. And you, Mr. Shandy,” Madame Labelle continued, turning to Sophie. “You may tell me why you find my paintings so enthralling.”

Sophie watched Dane stroll out of the door on his way to his assignation. It took all the self-control she possessed not to chase after him and kick him in the shin or slap his face. She wanted to believe he’d changed, wanted to believe she was the only woman he desired.

But this was not about her or Dane. This was about finding James, and by her calculations she had less than a week in which to do it.

“Now, Mr. Shandy,” Madame Labelle said as she threaded her arm through Sophie’s and led her around the room. “Is there a particular type of lady you prefer?”

“I am afraid, when it comes to ladies, I have rather limited tastes.”

Madame Labelle seemed delighted at her response. “It is exactly as I supposed,” she said. “I understand completely, you must say no more.”

Sophie was well and truly baffled.

“Perhaps we should discuss the matter in the privacy of my chamber, for I would not wish to make a scene.”

What does one do when being propositioned by the madam of a brothel?

Sophie did the only thing she could under the circumstances. She brought Madame Labelle’s fingers to her lips and asked respectfully, “Is there a place where I may see to my toilette?”

Madame Labelle gave her a knowing smile. “Of course, the blue room on the first floor is free. It is at the top of the stairs. You may see to your needs in there and I shall await you in my private room, which is just across the hall.”

Sophie raced up the stairs as she needed to speak to Dane and had no desire to see him the arms of another woman, even if he was paying for the pleasure.

She almost fainted when she barged into the room, only to be met with the bare behind of an elderly gentleman, whose grunts and groans roused an image of an animal in distress. It was only when she felt her face burn, that she knew she had entered the red room by mistake.

Moving along the landing to the next room, Sophie placed her ear to the door in the hope she was not too late. There were no sounds coming from the room, so s

he took a deep breath and opened the door.

Dane, who was still fully clothed and perusing a set of leather-bound books on a shelf, swung around to face her. “What the hell are you doing up here?” he whispered.

“I could ask you the same question.”

“You know why I’m here,” he said crossing the room to stand before her. “I need to see Antoinette.”

Good heavens. The man had no shame.

“Apparently there are a lot of things you need from Antoinette,” she replied articulating every word.

He chuckled. “Do not tell me you’re jealous?”

“Of course not,” she said, prodding him the chest, each jab forcing him to step back. “Just downright foolish for believing … for hoping you were not the libertine everyone professes you to be. To think I even considered giving myself to you.”

He raised a brow and his mouth curved into a salacious grin. “You did?”

All the old feelings came flooding back, all the miserable memories.

Why was she so surprised?

Tags: Adele Clee Anything for Love Romance