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“Yes. There are rumours he owns another house somewhere in Town, though he is determined to hide the fact from his creditors.” The earl threw open the door and jumped down to the pavement. “Wait here.”

Nicole had no intention of arguing. She would happily spend the next few days eating and sleeping in his carriage if it reduced the odds of bumping into one of Jeremy’s friends.

She watched Lord Stanton march up to the front door and slam the knocker against the brass plate as if hitting it against Lord Cunningham’s forehead. The butler answered. They spoke for a minute, no more. From the servant’s impassive expression, it was difficult to follow the conversation.

With a visible huff, the earl stomped back to the carriage, yanked open the door and climbed inside.

“I presume Lord Cunningham is out?”

The earl shook his head, muttered a curse and threw his hat onto the seat. “Cunningham left home an hour ago, and the butler refuses to disclose where. Damn it all. If he’s on his way to Scotland with Rose, we’ll struggle to catch them.”

“No decent butler would discuss his master’s plans.” An aggressive approach rarely worked with those who possessed a sense of pride in their work. “Surely you know that.”

“It seems Cunningham’s staff are more loyal than the gossips would have us believe. No doubt the story about his inability to pay their wages proved false. Else the man would have taken the ten pounds I offered for the information.”

“You tried to bribe his butler?”

Despite being an intelligent man, he had obviously not thought the matter through.

The earl shrugged. “Not bribe, more offer an incentive to loosen his tongue.”

“Servants have principles, too, my lord.”

“So it would seem,” he replied with some frustration.

Nicole sighed. As the hours passed, the need to find Rose was like a weight pressing down on them. “Perhaps I should speak to the butler.”

“Did we not just agree that the man is loyal to his master?”

“We did. But when in battle it is always best to focus on the enemy’s weakness.” Six months spent imprisoned in Morton Manor had taught her that.

“Which is?” the earl answered arrogantly.

“His loyalty to his master.” Nicole shuffled to the end of the seat and opened the door. “I shall be but a moment.”

“Allow me to lower the steps for you.”

Oh, he would gloat for the rest of the day if the butler failed to provide the information they required. Still, a tingling awareness coursed through her as he closed the gap between them. Despite their disagreements, she liked him. She couldn’t help but feel drawn to him in some inexplicable way.

“Thank you, my lord.” Nicole descended the steps and hurried up to the door. The butler answered almost immediately. “Good day to you.”

“Good day, madam.” The butler, a man as tall and thin as a coat stand, inclined his head. He looked beyond her shoulder to the carriage. “As I have already told his lordship, Lord Cunningham is not at home.”

Nicole put her hand to her heart and sucked in a breath. “But this is dreadful. We hope to speak to him before he does something foolish. Perhaps you could give Lord Cunningham a message. It is the only hope we have of saving him.”

“Something foolish?” The butler frowned, and his grey bushy brows overhung his lids. For a man skilled in the art of indifference, hi

s expression proved promising. “To what do you refer, madam?”

“It would not be wise for anyone to overhear our conversation.” Nicole glanced left and right and stepped forward. “Not when your master’s reputation is at stake.”

“His … his reputation?” The butler’s calm composure faltered.

“It is imperative we speak to Lord Cunningham before the card game. The earl has discovered that one player is a skilled card sharp, determined to rob the nobility of a fortune, and has consequently declined to take his seat at the table.” Nicole touched the servant’s arm. “You must warn your master as soon as you can for I fear he will lose everything.”

The butler’s wrinkled face turned ashen. “Lose everything,” he repeated to himself.

“I must go.” Nicole stepped back. “We will do our utmost to find him before the game. Indeed, when your master returns, advise him to call on the Earl of Stanton posthaste. Good day to you.”

Tags: Adele Clee Lost Ladies of London Romance