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God moved in mysterious ways. Or that was the sentiment Cowper used in the opening line of his poem. It came as no surprise that Beatrice recalled the title—Light Shining out of Darkness—for the first touch of Dante’s lips was like an epiphany. Somehow, amid the trauma and strife, she had fallen in love with the damaged agent of the Order.

She should have fought against the powerful emotion, told him they should not complicate matters, expressed the importance of solving the case, been sensible. Professional.

But every part of her longed to join him in bed.

I’m reckless and rash and rarely think about tomorrow.

She didn’t want to think of anything beyond this quaint room, either. Couldn’t think about anything but the heat coiling low in her belly, the potent taste of brandy on his lips, the arousing scent of his bergamot cologne.

Dante D’Angelo seemed to be everywhere at once, devouring her mouth, stroking her back, squeezing her buttocks. The skilled sweep of his tongue sent her pulse soaring. Every masterful movement spoke of his impatience to reach the point where pleasure obliterated pain.

“Slow down, Dante,” she panted, tearing her lips from his. She wanted this to be more than an opportunity for him to banish his demons. “We have all night unless you’re worried what Mr Ashwood will say.”

“I’m not worried about Ashwood.” He sucked her lobe, nuzzled the sensitive spot below her ear. “But I feel like I’ve waited a lifetime to kiss you again.”

Merciful Lord!

His teeth grazed the delicate skin, sending ripples to her core.

She could have given herself over to him, let him ravage her senseless, seduce her to the point of madness. Evidently, this man knew everything about sex, nothing about love.

But oh, how she wanted to love him tonight.

“Wait, Dante.” She hadn’t a clue how to please him, but this burning need inside gave her the courage to continue. “Let me kiss you, touch you, find my way around your body, set the pace.”

He pulled back, considered her through eyes heavy with desire. “No doubt, my eagerness is overwhelming. But my intention is to pleasure you, make you come so many times you’ll sleep like a babe.”

“And I want to please you.” She wanted him to sleep peacefully, too, not be ravaged by his nightmares. “Let me try.”

He captured her hand, kissed her knuckles. “Do what you want with me, Beatrice. I am yours to command.”

“You’re happy for me to take control?”

“If that is your desire.”

Nerves threatened to ruin the minor victory, but she pushed them aside, decided the best way forward was to confront her fears.

“Perhaps I should undress first,” she said. “Perhaps I should—”

“You’re thinking like an agent.” His eyes glinted with amusement. “We’re not looking for a logical way to perform a task. I should be tripping over my breeches in a passion-fuelled frenzy.”

“We’re not supposed to be plotting and planning?”

“No.” His grin faded. “Beatrice, be honest with me. Do you want me to return to my room? We can explore our growing attraction some other time when we’ve—”

“No! No, I want to continue. It’s … it’s just …”

“Tell me.”

Her shoulders sagged. “I haven’t a clue what to do, Dante. You’re used to women skilled in the art of seduction, whereas I’m skilled in deduction.” She threw her hands up. “And now

look at us. We’re trying to solve a problem instead of enjoying the moment.”

He slipped his arm around her waist, his hand dipping down to cup her buttocks. “I don’t remember ever wanting a woman the way I want you. I have no memory of anyone else but shall remember the sweet taste of your lips until I draw my last breath.”

Emotion bubbled to her throat. She would never forget how the strokes of his tongue set her body ablaze. Never forget the way the amber flecks in his dark eyes glowed with pleasure.

“You can be quite charming when the need arises.” He could be rugged and masterful, too, and she loved the combination.

Tags: Adele Clee Gentlemen of the Order Historical