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She shuffled nervously for the umpteenth time. “You mean they might say lewd things?”

“I mean don’t be surprised if you see people partaking in illicit acts.”

“Illicit acts?” Her eyes widened, and then recognition dawned. “Oh! I see.”

“You’re married to a rogue, so there’s nothing to fear.” That wasn’t entirely true. Mrs Crandall could be devious, ruthless when provoked. “Though I must insist you remain by my side for the entire evening.”

She snorted. “I have no intention of letting go of your arm.”

A vivid image of reckless fornicators brought a smile to his lips. “Witnessing lustful displays often arouse one’s own desires.”

She raised her chin as a blush stained her cheeks. “I’m sure I shall find it all rather distasteful.”

“I’m sure you will.”

The carriage rumbled to a halt outside Mrs Crandall’s abode on Theobolds Road. Benedict opened the carriage door and vaulted to the pavement. Cassandra reached out for his assistance, but he settled his hands on her trim waist and lowered her slowly down to the ground.

The need to kiss her came upon him again.

She clutched his upper arms as he drew her close to his chest. “Is embracing in the street part of my initiation?”

The rogue in him surfaced. “No, consider this a means to stimulate the appetite.” He captured her mouth in a kiss as sinful as it was quick.

“Goodness.” She blinked rapidly and then a chuckle escaped her. “Perhaps we should attend Mrs Crandall’s gatherings every evening.”

“Perhaps we should arrange a gathering of our own.”

She screwed up her nose. “And invite people to use our home as a brothel?”

“Who said we need to invite anyone else?”

Excitement danced in her eyes. Just as it had done all those years ago when she’d crept out of her father’s country house after dark to meet him secretly in the shadows. He might have kissed her again, but another carriage turned into the street, and so he knocked on Mrs Crandall’s door with a unique series of raps known only to those selected to attend.

Woods, Mrs Crandall’s majordomo, opened the door. His eyes widened upon seeing Benedict, widening still as his lecherous gaze lingered on the bountiful expanse of Cassandra’s breasts. “Mr Cavanagh. Speak to me before you leave.” Woods glanced back over his shoulder before whispering, “I’ve more information to sell should you be willing to pay.”

Curiosity burned, but Benedict nodded and guided his wife over the threshold into the underworld haven for sinners.

As always, thick tobacco smoke hung in the air like a sinister mist, a hazy curtain between good and evil, right and wrong. The musky scent of lust teased the senses, as did the moans of those couples frolicking in the dim hallway.

Cassandra clutched his arm. The exotic aroma of her perfume had men tearing their mouths away from their lovers like hungry wolves sniffing out a foreign scent. They nodded respectfully to him, though that didn’t stop them stripping Cassandra naked beneath hooded eyes. Indeed, the men’s penetrating stares followed them to the drawing room as did the whispered echoes of her name.

“Heavens.” She sucked in a sharp breath as she scanned those lounging half-dressed on the sofas. What they had enjoyed in the privacy of their carriage was displayed here for all to see. “And I thought you were exaggerating, preparing me for the worst.”

“I always speak the truth.”

A guttural groan and a woman’s rapid pants emanated from behind the thick red curtains. “See. Some people still require privacy.”

Benedict snorted. “And yet everyone will hear the moment she climaxes.”

From the bemused look on Cassandra’s face, it was evident she knew nothing of the pleasures a woman experienced in the bedchamber.

“Later, when we’re alone, I shall explain exactly what I mean,” he said, anticipating the moment Cassandra shuddered beneath him while finding her release. “Marriage to me will be an education in more ways than one.”

“In all honesty, I find I’m an eager student.”

Thoughts of fleeing this iniquitous place surfaced, but he was forced to remember why they had come. “First, we must focus on the task at hand,” he said, snatching two glasses of champagne from the console table and giving one to his wife.

“Yes, to discover if Mrs Crandall is the one responsible for my ruination.” Cassandra craned her neck. “Can you see her?”

Tags: Adele Clee Scandalous Sons Historical