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“Why not, sweetheart?” Dante asked, and she realized she’d said what she was thinking. He was merciless. One hand was on her stomach holding her down while the other did strange things to her. She squirmed, trying to unseat his probing fingers. “Don’t you like it?”

She didn’t. It was disturbing. His hand covered that part of her that was aching. She needed to cool it down, but he blanketed her instead. She didn’t like the way he rubbed her. And then she did. He rubbed the pad of his thumb firmly across her core, and Kaja cried out. A heat poured from her center. She moaned as he continued.

He was smiling down at her, looking ridiculously pleased with himself. “See, you liked that, didn’t you? You are just ridiculously wet. You would feel so good. Your little pussy is tight as a fucking vise. This Second of yours, he was a pansy ass, you know that, right?”

She didn’t understand half of what he was saying. Her body twitched from his magic. “What is this feeling?” She panted as she asked the question. Her body felt pleasantly soft. His motions slowed and became languid.

“It’s called an orgasm,” he replied in that slow, silky way of his. She loved his voice when it got thick like honey. Most of the time he spoke so quickly that she lost track. She liked it when his tone got deep and husky. “You should have one every time a man touches you. If you don’t, punch him in the face.”

“I do that before he holds me down for the mating,” Kaja answered seriously. She had been pleased that she’d managed to break Sven’s nose before he thrust himself into her. It had taken two of his friends to hold her down.

Dante’s green eyes were wide before he filled the room with his laughter. “Well, I’ll count myself lucky then. Are you feeling better?”

He released her. Kaja missed the feel of his hands on her body. What was wrong with her? She forced herself to sit up.

“Yes,” she said quietly. The weakness was there, but the terrible burning between her legs was gone. She felt a fresh rush of arousal as Dante drew his fingers into his mouth. His tongue came out, and he licked his fingers clean. That was her essence on his fingers. It was dirty. She couldn’t take her eyes off the sight.

He leaned forward. She could see her moisture on his lips. “What do you expect, darling? You taste good.”


p; She bit her lip, chewing nervously. “Do you taste good?”

The question was out before she could recall it. She had seen the fluid men left behind when they reached their pleasure.

“It’s called cum,” Dante said. “I have no idea. I don’t swing that way, though I’ve heard it’s pleasant. I like women, despite what the tabloids will tell you. Lay back.”

She did as he told her, aware that she was submitting. She knew she shouldn’t. It was an act of respect that he hadn’t earned beyond being able to hold her down, but she did it anyway. She found she didn’t want to break the contact they had. His hands felt so good on her skin. Sometimes it felt like she’d gone her whole lifetime without the sweetness of another soul brushing against her body. She sighed, all the while knowing in the morning she would leave. She wouldn’t wait to speak with Dante’s Second. Her senses told her there were forests nearby. She could lose herself there, but this night she would revel in the feel of his hands on her. She would pretend their mating was real.

“I get the feeling your experiences with sex kind of sucked, sweetheart,” Dante was murmuring. She liked the way his eyes roamed her body. There was approval in them. “I think I need to teach you so you can forget all the bad stuff. What you call mating, my people call sex or fucking or making love.”

“Making love.” She tried the words out on her tongue. Dante’s hand cupped her breast. She felt herself swell in his palm. He stroked his hand around her flesh, his fingers lingering on her nipples.

“See, you’re a sensual thing,” he commended her. “Sex isn’t just about penetration. It should involve all of the senses.” He straddled her. His knees surrounded her hips, and she liked the way he filled the space. He leaned over and ran his nose along her neck, breathing in her scent. She shivered deliciously everywhere he touched her. “You smell awfully good now, Kaja.”

She let his scent waft over her. He smelled so good, clean and masculine. She allowed her hands to drift up and touch his red-gold hair. It felt odd. Parts were slightly stiff, but she did not sense he was dirty.

“It’s called mousse. This hair doesn’t look this good on its own,” Dante explained with a smile. “You’re going to have to deal with my hygiene ritual, darling. We’ll make an appointment with a stylist when we get home. You’ll like spas.”

She wasn’t sure what a spa was, but she liked the way his face felt buried in her neck. She felt his fangs graze her skin. Was he going to bite her? She shivered at the prospect and wasn’t sure if she wanted it or not. She decided to distract him. “Is your pack nice?”

She wondered why his father did not wish for him to mate with one of the females of his pack.

Dante pulled his face from her neck. “Darling, I don’t have a pack. I have a family.” He looked at a loss for a moment. “You have no idea what I am, do you? Have you ever heard of a vampire?”

She shook her head.

He rolled off her and propped his head on his fist, lying on his side. His shirt was off, but he’d covered his lower body before calling in the wee ones. He kept his free hand on her stomach as though he didn’t want to break the contact, either. “Well, I’m different from you. I don’t eat meat.”

“How do you survive?” Only prey animals ate no meat. Animals that lived off fruits and grasses were prey. She couldn’t imagine Dante was prey.

“I live off blood,” Dante explained. He grinned and showed off his fangs. They were so much longer than hers or any of the pack males. She reached her hand out. He allowed her to touch them. When she pulled back, he continued. “My home plane is very advanced. It’s probably going to be a shock and seem like magic to you, but you’ll adapt. You’ll like it. My people used to drink the blood of animals to survive. I’m a little different than most vampires. I’m what’s called a royal. My fangs are specialized. I can feed from other vampires or species without ripping them apart. Most vampires can’t do that. They kill anything they feed from. I can take my nutrition from either animals, other vampires, or consorts, like you. I haven’t actually tried another sentient being, but I’m certainly thinking about it now.” He moved his hand up to her throat. He looked at it with great longing, his thumb moving across it like he was tracing a line. “You see, you’re what my people call a consort. Your blood is rich, and for someone like me, it can do some awesome things.

“You wish to eat me?” Kaja began to scramble off the bed. She wasn’t sure of what he meant.

Dante was on her in an instant. He flipped her over and held her down with his weight. He put his fangs against her neck until she calmed. “I wish to feed from you, Kaja. It is an intimacy between husband and wife. In return, I’ll open a vein and let you taste me. You’ll heal faster and stay young longer with my blood in you. I won’t hurt you.”

“I am afraid,” Kaja answered honestly. “Your fangs are long. It will hurt.”

Tags: Sophie Oak A Faery Story Erotic