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care of his dad.

This Dante lacked the confidence his doppelganger had. He was

still funny and bright, but there was an aloofness to him that wasn’t

present in her Dante. Meg got the feeling this Dante would be loyal to

very few people. He would keep his circle small.

He smiled. It was something Meg had noted he rarely did. “Let’s

go check it out, and then we can get burgers.”

“Okay,” Meg said, pulling one of his old jackets over her T-shirt

and jeans. Dante had tried to be generous, but Meg had only allowed

him to buy her a couple of pairs of jeans, some T-shirts, and two

sweaters. It was all she would need, she promised herself as she

followed him.

Meg got into his beat-up SUV and buckled her seat belt. Dante

was going on about how his newest program had found this spot. He

said something about a number of police reports and how often the

property had been sold, but Meg was thinking about other things.

She had been on the Faery plane for about a month, but three had

passed here. Time moved differently on different planes. How long

had Beck and Cian been wondering about her? Had they managed to

stop the hag’s plans? Her hands clenched with anger when she

thought about someone in the village pretending to be their friend. All

the while, this hag was waiting to pounce the instant the twins showed



vulnerability. The hag wouldn’t look different from a normal villager

as she could take different shapes.

Meg had been reading up on hags and knew it could be any of the

females of the village. Meg had her suspicions, hence the .357 she

intended to take back with her. If Liadan gave her even a hint that she

wasn’t what she said she was, Meg intended to put a couple of rounds

Tags: Sophie Oak A Faery Story Erotic