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were shaking as he did what he needed to do.

Within seconds, the cabin was engulfed in green. Inside, the cabin

went pitch black as the world receded under a wall of vines and

thorns. It was thick, and the trees themselves had orders to protect this



Sophie Oak

Cian could hear the storm he’d begun rattling the world outside.

He fell to his knees and was grateful for the darkness. There was

nothing but darkness now, and it would stay that way unless someone

could find a way to bring Meg back to them.

As the hopelessness of his situation hit him, Cian lay down beside

his brother. His body knew what to do. Beck had gone into a fugue

state. He wouldn’t wake unless their bridge returned. Only Meg could

save them. Only Meg could give Beck back his strength and Cian

back his mind.

“Come back to us,” Cian prayed as sleep overtook him.

Outside the small cabin, the storm roared on.



Chapter Twenty-One

Meg took aim and slowly squeezed the trigger. She watched as the

bullet tore through the target. Even at a distance, she knew it was a

solid hit. She’d bought the Ruger .357 after trying every handgun they

let her rent at the range. Well, she amended, Dante had bought the

.357 with his credit card. Meg didn’t actually have much money of

her own. She helped him around the store. She had been doing his

nightly books for the last three weeks, but she wasn’t letting him pay

her much. She wouldn’t be here long enough to do the paperwork, so

everything he gave her was under the table.

Tags: Sophie Oak A Faery Story Erotic