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fields, and she would talk about…

“What do you and Susan talk about?” Beck heard himself asking.

He hadn’t meant to. It just popped out. He wouldn’t take it back,

though. He was curious about the consort’s relationship with his


Colin sat down beside him and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. He

was quickly handed two glasses by an assistant who always seemed to

anticipate the Fae’s needs. Beck gratefully took the glass and tipped it

back. He would be damn sore tomorrow.

Colin thoughtfully sipped at his well-aged whiskey. “We talk

about everything, Your Highness. Mostly, it’s business, of course.

She is the CEO of one of the most powerful corporations in the States.

It helps that I have a fairly decent head for business.”

He did. It had surprised him when Colin announced he was

accompanying his king on this job. Susan had nodded and told him to



send detailed reports. She hadn’t been his CEO when they parted,

however. She had been his wife. She’d asked Colin three times if he

remembered everything and checked his bag. She had kissed him

goodbye and made him promise to call.

“I also have a very thick skin,” Colin said cheerfully. “That helps

a lot when your wife is also your boss. Damn woman can flay a man

alive with that tongue of hers. I screwed up the quarterly reports a few

months back, and she took a chunk out of my hide right there in the


“She yelled at you?” Beck was surprised that his cousin would

yell at a consort. Vampires were supposed to be as gentle with their

consorts as the Fae were with bondmates.

“Yelled, screamed, threatened me with all manner of humiliation,”

Tags: Sophie Oak A Faery Story Erotic