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Cian hadn’t complained. He’d sat quietly. He’d let her tug and pull

until his hair was straight and shiny. Cian had then laid his head in her

lap and promptly fallen asleep. He hadn’t woken until dinner was

ready. Beck had been happy that Meg seemed content to sit and rest

while Cian slept. They looked good together.

“What’s wrong with Cian? The same thing that was wrong with

me,” Beck replied quietly. “He is out of balance. He needed to be

bonded five years ago. For me, it came out as rage. For Cian, he is

dissolving into chaos. It’s worse than I thought. He’s better when I’m

around, you see. I had no idea he was having episodes where he

forgot years of our lives.”

Dante had been the one to tell him that bit of news. He had pulled

Beck aside for a long discussion while Cian contentedly slept in

Meg’s lap. He’d explained that Cian had barely remembered where he

was when Dante had spoken to him the night before. Cian had been

confused and slightly scared when Dante had awakened him. The

vampire had to explain the situation to the sidhe every time he woke.

“The sooner you bond with him, the better. You need tonight to

rest, but tomorrow it should be done,” Beck said soberly.

After the events earlier in the day and the arduous travel, Meg

needed to rest. The bonding could be intense. Beck was a little

worried about Cian’s state of mind, but the bonding had to be done.

Beck was suddenly intensely aware that he was alone with his

wife. Cian was sleeping, and Dante had left before dinner, saying he

had someone he needed to see. That was bullshit. Beck knew he was

going to the tavern. He wouldn’t be back before morning, if then. It

didn’t matter. Beck had what he needed from Dante. He’d used the

communication device to speak with Susan. She had promised Beck a

good salary to clear out the tunnels in Dellacorp’s latest mining

project. They were full of some form of monstrous bat. Vampires

Tags: Sophie Oak A Faery Story Erotic