head. “You were supposed to listen to my advice and stick it out with
Beck. They didn’t teach common sense at your school, did they?”
“I’m not running anymore. I am done with running away. It just
gets me into trouble. For your information, I’ve decided to take your
advice and work on Beck.”
Leaning against the side of the house, Dante’s smile became
slightly lascivious. “Have you got him to top you yet, sweetheart?”
Meg returned
the smile without a hint of self-consciousness. She
was also through with feeling ashamed of the things she wanted.
Nearly dying in an icy cold river trapped by a horse with Super Glue
for skin had cured her of that. “Not yet, but I’m working on the
problem. So you know something about the type of relationship I
want with Beck?”
The vampire shrugged. “Sure. It’s very common where I come
from. You’ve got to understand, he has his reasons for being afraid of
what he needs. You’ll have to pull it out of him.”
Meg let a little of her anxiety show. “That might be hard. I have
no idea what I’m doing. It’s not like I’ve had a Dom before. The truth
is, I was just sort of reading about it before I met Beckett. Now I
know what I want, but I’m not sure how to get it.”
“I can help you with that, sweetheart.” He pulled out that ever-
present tablet. It apparently had a home inside his jacket. He typed
something on the keyboard and flipped it around. The LCD screen
flowed as an enormous list of downloadable material on the subject
came up.
“Have a problem? We’ve got a DL to solve it.” He let his lanky
body slide down to sit in the dirt by the front door. “Sit with me, Meg.
We’ll look at some porn. This could take a while.”