Page 49 of Nightwolf

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“Focus, baby,” Wolf says in this deep voice that makes me want to do everything he says. “Just think about how good I feel. Fuck it, tell me how good I feel.”

“You feel so fucking good,” I tell him, reaching out and pressing my hand against the hard planes of his back, marveling at his strength while I pull him in deeper, my nails digging through his shirt. “Fucking me so good. I can barely handle you, you’re wedged in so tight.”

His nostrils flare like primordial lust runs through him and he lets out a tense growl.

He leans in quickly, kissing me hard, lips tender but the movement rough, like he’s fucking my mouth as much as he is my cunt, and I’m completely lost to him. My body is feeling too many different things at once, flames licking it from head to toe, and my heart is doing something too.

It’s expanding in my chest, ballooning with all the feelings I’ve kept buried from him, even from myself. For a moment I panic, because I’m afraid it’s all going to come out, like Wolf is going to fuck it out of me, like I’ll tell him something stupid like I’m falling in love with you.

But I manage to just let it sweep through me, let it all get caught up with each and every vicious thrust of his hips as they piston into me, his cock sinking deeper and deeper, fucking me harder than I’ve ever been fucked before.

It’s raw, the way we are, the way we come together, hungry and starved, like we just can’t get enough, and it’s not long before my bra snaps open and I realize that the movement of being fucked up against the tree has literally sawed through the back strap.

And then Wolf pauses, and the most ferocious snarl comes across his lips, and his teeth harden into sharpened points, and his pupils turn red and for one moment I’m afraid it’s not him anymore and I don’t know what’s going to happen to me.

“You’re bleeding,” he ekes out, voice trembling.

I stare at him, trying to breathe, trying to calm the fear.

Then I feel it.

My back. The bark of the tree has completely fucked up my back, my spine rubbed raw and bleeding. No wonder my bra was sliced in two.

I stare at Wolf, his face inches away, his cock still thick inside me, and I watch in cautious awe as he struggles to control himself. His canines shrink in size, the red fades from his pupils, the vein in his forehead smooths out.

“You can have a taste if you want,” I tell him, imagining what it would be like to flip over, to have him lick up my bleeding back, see what my blood does for him.

Crimson flashes quickly through his eyes again, then fades.

“Temptress,” he says with a shake of his head.

“Can you keep fucking me then?”

He blinks, breathing in sharply through his nose. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Then don’t hurt me.”

He nods, his corded throat working as he swallows.

Then reaches around me, the length of his thick arm going up over my spine, a barrier between me and the tree, and starts fucking me again.

Harder than before.

Just a burst of animalistic power that can only belong to a vampire, feral and wild and dangerous, and I am at his mercy.

I completely submit to him.

He’s pressed in tight and there’s no space between us and I think I could just die in his arms like this, pressed between him, his cock inside me, he could eat me alive and I wouldn’t care. I would die just to go out with his savage grunts in my ear as he brings me closer and closer to the edge.

“Fuck!” He lets out a deep guttural cry, throwing his head back, teeth bared and he’s coming so hard that I think he might break the tree in two, and then I’m coming again.

Holy shit.

It happens so fast it’s like being caught in a riptide. I tumble and turn, feel inside out, and I don’t know which way is up, except when I’m looking at Wolf, at this pure vision of raw masculinity as he pours himself into me, the beauty of his face when it’s so completely undone.

And then my brain short circuits and my body does too.

Just…fizzes into infinity.

Oh. My. God.

All these orgasms in a row and this is the one that finally does my head in. I’m just lost in space. Lost in him.

Lost in everything he means to me.

But eventually my senses do come back to me.

And I’m held up by his arms and his cock is still inside me and he’s breathing hard, staring at me through lowered lashes with a look of both awe and satisfaction. Can’t say I feel any different.

Tags: Karina Halle Vampires