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I glanced at my husband. “All of them?”

“Yes,” Lucien said. “All. And do you know about the time he poured a cup of sour milk in Angelo’s bed, and they chased each other all over the grounds of our Weston estate? Or the time he sent a lizard up our priest’s robes after Sunday Mass?”


“I was twelve.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at how indignant Devil looked. I knew things he’d done that were far worse, but hearing these stories from his childhood warmed my heart.

“You’re going to have a lot of fun in the next few years,” Lucien said. “And for all that he’s done, Devil is the most loyal friend a man could have. While he will try your patience, he will always love you. If he says you can count on him, you can.”

My eyes stung with unshed tears as Lucien turned to his cousin. “Devil, Joe is the perfect man for you. He calms you down. He comforts you. He can almost make you see reason, and his love for you is obvious to everyone who sees you.”

Sabrina sniffled and pulled a tissue from her purse to dab at her eyes. I was doing everything I could not to cry myself. Lucien’s blessing meant a lot to me, and I knew it meant even more to Devil.

Lucien raised his glass. “To Devil and Joe. May this be the start of a long and beautiful marriage. May you be blessed in every way.” Everyone else raised their glasses, tipping them toward us. “To Devil and Joe.”

My throat was so tight I barely got down a sip of champagne. I’d expected jokes. I’d expected teasing, but I hadn’t expected anything so heartfelt. I didn’t think Devil had either. He looked at me, cupped my face with one hand, and pulled me in for a kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you, Devil. I’m yours forever. Even if you’d never proposed, that was how it was going to be.” I cleared my throat as I looked around the table and hoped I could keep my voice steady. “Thank you, Lucien.”

He inclined his head toward me. “You’re welcome.”

“It means a lot to me that you’ve all welcomed me like you have.” I didn’t have eloquent words, but I felt that needed to be said. Devil put an arm around my shoulders and squeezed.

“I welcome anyone who can tame Devil, even a little,” Angelo said. Cameron hit his arm.

“Good luck with that,” Devil said. We all laughed, and the air felt lighter.

Lucien signaled to a waiter who’d been standing near the stairs. A moment later, more waitstaff appeared weighed down with plates.

We laughed and joked our way through course after course. I tried not to overindulge, knowing Devil wasn’t going to want to take a lot of time for our food to settle, but that wasn’t easy.

I was so happy Devil allowed himself to get into the spirit of the party. I could tell, despite his complaints, he was thrilled to be there celebrating with his family. He just managed to hold himself together during Lucien’s speech and through all manner of sweet things Sabrina added later, but when a server brought a miniature wedding cake topped with two grooms and set it in front of us, his eyes filled with tears. I wasn’t sure what was going on until he looked at Sabrina, then Lucien, then Angelo. “This cake… it’s just like…”

“That’s right,” Lucien said. “It’s a replica of our parents’ cake.”

“And you had it made today?”

“Of course. We celebrate properly in this family.”

Devil swiped his eyes with the back of his hand before picking up the cake server that had been placed next to the cake. He took my hand and placed it around the utensil with his. We held it together as we sliced through the bottom layer, then he scooped up a piece and held it up for me. I groaned as I took the bite into my mouth, and Devil’s eyes went big and dark.

I swiftly fed him a piece of the cake so he had something to focus on besides wanting to devour me.

The server took over then, slicing the cake efficiently and bringing pieces to everyone at the table.

Once we finished our cake, we all took coffee or a dessert cocktail into the courtyard behind the restaurant. It was chilly, but the heat lamps and plastic sheeting made it comfortable enough, especially when I had Devil snuggled tight against me as I drank Irish coffee.

Devil pulled me against him and kissed the side of my head. “You make me so happy.”

“Mmm, you make me happy too.”

“Good. It’s time.”

“Time for what?”

“Time for me to have my husband. He stood and took my hand, pulling me back toward the indoor dining area.

“Devil, what are you doing?”

“It’s time for me to find a private spot as close to here as I can, put you up against the wall, and fuck you until I have to clamp my hand over your mouth to keep you from crying out so loud everyone around thinks you’re being murdered.”

Tags: Silvia Violet M-M Romance