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“I own you completely now,” Devil whispered, his lips brushing my ear. The kiss had already been enough to make my cock stir. Now there was no way in hell it was going to stand down before we needed to leave.

“Sirs.” I realized the officiant was addressing us. “I have a whole line of people waiting. Do you have any questions?”

“Oh shit,” Angelo muttered.

My gaze met Lindsay’s. She raised her brows, silently asking whether she was going to have to step into her official law enforcement role before she left.

I shook my head, fairly certain Devil could control himself enough not to get arrested during our wedding ceremony.

“They can wait,” Devil said, his voice low and threatening. “I’ll tell you when I’m done.”

“Devil?” He ignored my warning tone and drew me to him again. Our second kiss was more appropriate for the setting, but Devil still pushed his tongue into my mouth and teased me, fucking me with it the way he’d take my body later. It felt like heaven. My husband was warm and strong and solid. While I was more than capable of taking care of myself, even against men like Devil and Angelo, it felt so good to relax into him, knowing he would keep me safe from any and all threats.

When Devil pulled away after the slightly tamer kiss, he made a dramatic sigh, then turned to the justice of the peace and smiled. “Now I’m done.”

Once we had our signed license, Devil took my hand and signaled to Angelo and Lindsay. “Let’s go.”

In the hallway, Devil seized my wrist and pulled me the opposite direction from where we needed to go.

“This is the wrong way. The stairs are back there.” I used my thumb to gesture over my shoulder.

“I know, but I need to find someplace private.”

“I rode with you,” Angelo reminded him. “And I know you can wait until you get home.”

I glanced at a clock on the wall and sighed. I couldn’t just blow off the rest of the day. Devil would have to understand. I was trying to put an escaped serial killer back in jail, and if that wasn’t urgent enough on its own, he was after me personally. Of course, I hadn’t exactly told Devil that part yet. “You’re going to have to wait longer than that. I’m meeting with Giorgio in half an hour.”

Devil shook his head. “No way in hell are you working when we’re supposed to be consummating our marriage.”

I snorted. “I’m pretty sure we already took care of that.”

“No shit. I think the whole house heard you last night,” Angelo said.

Lindsay put her hands over her ears and shook her head. “No more. No details.”

Devil laughed. “Don’t worry. The details would probably make you pass out.”

She flipped him off. “I’ve got to go. Try not to get arrested.”

He bowed. “I’ll do my best. Thanks again.”

I hugged her and promised to call her later.

Devil tried pulling me forward again. “I’ll settle for quick this time, but after your meeting, we’re spending the rest of the day in bed.”

Angelo coughed. “Did you forget the shit Lucien’s got on our plates today?”

Devil groaned. “But this is my—”

“If you wanted him to know it was your wedding day…”

Devil tugged on my hand. I stumbled but managed to right myself and yank my wrist away. I wanted to believe he was just teasing me, but I couldn’t be sure. “I’m not fucking you in a bathroom at city hall.”

“Are you turning into a prude on me or something?”

Angelo looked up at the ceiling. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.”

“Devil, I want this to be special. Wedding-night sex should be romantic, sweet even.”

Devil looked at me with mock horror on his face. “And I always thought people were lying when they swore sex was never as good once you were married. I’ve been tricked.”

“I think you know you’re going to get plenty of opportunities to exercise your conjugal rights, but you’re the one who wanted to rush this, and now we both have places to be.”

He huffed. “Fine, but you’re mine tonight. Every single inch of you.”

“La la la la la,” Angelo sang with his fingers in his ears. “It’s bad enough when I hear the bed thumping and the loud grunts.”

Devil rolled his eyes. “Like you and Cameron are quiet.”

“Jesus, I need to move out.” They said the words simultaneously, and we all cracked up.

When we reached the car, Devil dragged me into the backseat next to him.

“I don’t mind chauffeuring the newlyweds,” Angelo said, “but I’d better not look in the rearview mirror and see you fucking.

“Drive,” Devil ordered.

“Maybe I should call Lucien after all.”

“Let me handle your brother,” Devil said.

“When are you going to tell him?” I asked.

“When he’s in the right mood.”

That wasn’t likely to be any time soon. “Keep me posted.” I leaned forward, looking over the front seat. “Angelo, can you let me off at the next block? I’m meeting Giorgio at a coffee shop near there.”

Tags: Silvia Violet M-M Romance