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“With pleasure,” Chase said.

“I’m buying a return ticket the instant we touch down,” Annie snapped, without looking at him.

“You won’t have to. Believe me, it’ll be my pleasure to buy you the ticket and to see you to the plane.”

* * *

It was a fine idea. Unfortunately it didn’t work.

The next plane to Boston was completely booked.

“Providence, then,” Chase said. “Bradley...”

One by one, he rattled off the names of airports. One by one, the clerk at the ticket counter shook her head.

“We’ve had lengthy delays all morning,” she said. “Fog here, thunderstorms in the Midwest...” She smiled apologetically. “I might be able to get your wife—”

“Ex-wife,” Annie said.

“Whatever. I might be able to get her out of here tomorrow afternoon.”

“Yeah,” Chase grumbled, “okay.”

“Not okay! ”Annie glared at him, as if it was his fault she was in this predicament. “What am I supposed to do until tomorrow afternoon? Sit around the airport?”

“I’ll get you a hotel room.”

“Good luck.”

Annie and Chase looked at the ticket clerk, whose shoulders rose and fell in a helpless shrug.

“On top of all the delays, there’re two major conventions in town.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice to a confidential whisper. “My boss tried everything he knew to get a room for a VIP just a little while ago, and even he couldn’t come up with anything.”

Annie had a mental picture of herself joining the rows of exhausted travelers draped over every available seat in the terminal.

“Don’t worry,” Chase said quickly. “I’m sure my client’s arranged a room somewhere for me. You can have it just as soon as I get in touch with him.”

As if in response, an electronically amplified voice rang out, paging Mr. Chase Cooper.

Chase took Annie’s arm, drew her aside and picked up a courtesy phone.

“Yes?” He listened, then sighed and rolled his eyes as if to say this was just one more problem he didn’t need. “Mr. Tanaka,” he said politely. “No, no, I didn’t see your man holding up my name at the arrivals gate.” He glared at Annie, who glared right back. “I was, ah, preoccupied.”

“Who is it?” Annie hissed.

Chase turned away. “Well, that’s very kind of you, Mr. Tanaka. Sending a car for me...thank you.”

“Is it somebody from Seattle?” Annie said, dancing in front of him. “Ask him if he knows of a hotel that might have a room.”

Chase sighed. She was right. Kichiro Tanaka, his new client, was a wealthy and well-connected businessman. He had major investments in the southwest, and now he’d turned his attention to the coast. For all Chase knew, the guy might even own a hotel in this city.

“Mr. Tanaka... Yes, I’ll meet your driver at the exit. In just a moment. But first—I wonder if you might be able to help me out with a small problem?”

Annie’s mouth thinned. That’s what she was, all right. A small problem. It was all she’d ever been, as far as Chase was concerned.

“Well...” Chase rubbed the back of his neck. “My, ah, my wife accompanied me to Seattle.”

“Ex-wife,” Annie snapped.

Chase glared at her and slapped his hand over the mouthpiece of the phone.

“Do you really want me to start explaining what you’re doing here to a stranger?”

Annie colored. After a second, Chase cleared his throat and spoke again.

“She didn’t intend to stay, though. Yes, well, I suppose that’s one way of looking at it.”

“What is?” Annie demanded.

“Charming. Yes. Yes, that she’d fly all this distance, just so we could spend a few hours more together.”

Annie opened her mouth, stuck the tip of her finger inside and pretended to gag.

“The problem, Mr. Tanaka, is that all the flights have been delayed. It’s probable Annie won’t be able to leave until tomorrow and I’ve been told all the hotels are solidly booked... Really?”

“Really, what?” Annie said.

“That’s fine. Yes, of course. At the exit area, in a couple of minutes. Thank you, sir. I’ll...we’ll see you soon.”

“What?” Annie said again.

Chase hung up the phone and grabbed her hand.

“Come on. We’ve got to meet the car and driver he sent for me.”

“Hot stuff,” she muttered. “A car and a driver, all for you.”

“And a suite, all for us.” His smile was quick and shiny. “So stop complaining.”

Annie looked at him as they hurried toward the escalator.

Tags: Sandra Marton Billionaire Romance