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“Basically, I organize shit. What about you?”


“Yeah, your job, or are you just ridiculously wealthy?” He thought back to the bodyguard routine her friend put on.

“I wish. I’m a librarian.”

“No shit?” he said. Images of her dressed in a crisp white button-up, black pencil skirt and pumps made him tamp down a moan.

“Yeah, no uh—shit.” The words sounded awkward coming from her.

“Why don’t we take this outside, it’s a nice night.”

“I’d like that.” They moved away from the bar and out into the warm night. “ I have to ask this, why are you being so nice?”

“Say what now?”

“I can’t be your normal type. If you’re looking for a piece of ass, I won’t be worth your time. I’m not easy and you are slightly frightening.”

“Then why are you out here with me?” he asked.

“Because you fascinate me and I would never want to spend my life wondering ‘what if’.”

“That’s the same reason I’m out here too, librarian. I’m not a complete monster. You give me time and I’ll show you just how good I can be. I knew from the start you weren’t the type of girl I could pin against the wall of the alley and take hard and fast. At least not until I claim you as mine.”

“You’re crazy.”

“You feel it too. I’m not the type of man to bullshit. I’m interested. Are you going to give me the time of day?”

She nibbled her bottom lip as he sipped at his whiskey.

“How about this.” She unzipped the tiny purse that dangled off her wrist, dug around and removed a white card. “You come find me, and we’ll talk.” The playful mirth that colored her eyes made him grin.

“A mission? You have no idea how good I am at fulfilling those.”

“I guess I’ll find out, won’t I?”

“Fuck yes, you will.”

Chapter Three

“Juliette…someone is out front asking for you.” Billy, the library’s volunteer, looked confused and slightly pale. The freckles smattered across the bridge of his nose stood out and his bright-blue eyes held a note of fear.

“Are they upset?” she asked, standing from the bottom shelf she’d been restocking.

“I don’t know. I think his face is just fixed into a permanent scowl.” Billy gestured toward the front of the building. His long russet hair fell across his eyes. “I left him at the desk. Do you want me to call security?”

Excitement raced through her. Did Shooter actually come here? After two days of nothing, she’d chalked their night flirting to a one-off. “No, it’s fine, Billy. I think I know the person you’re describing.” She checked her hair for flyaways, smoothed the wayward pieces into place and straightened her white button-up and gray skirt. She took a deep breath and walked out of the row of books, careful to pace her steps. I don’t want to seem too eager. The biker shocked her with his charm, wit and though she was ashamed to say it, his manners. He’d been raised right by someone. As she drew closer to the front desk she spotted his unmistakable frame leaning against the desk. His dark hair was swept back off his face and he grinned up at her.

“Excuse me, Miss, I’m in search of a good read.” The shit-eating grin stretched across his handsome face made her heart race.

“I think I can help you with that, sir. What kind of story are you in the mood for?”

“A mystery.” There was a weight to the words she didn’t quite understand.

“What kind of mystery are you looking for?” She reached the desk and stopped a few feet away from him.

“Isn’t the fun part choosing the book and discovering where it takes you?”

Tags: Shyla Colt Lords of Mayhem Romance