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Lark sighed. “I missed hearing that.”

He set her on her feet, kissed her forehead and reluctantly let her go. She walked to the other side of the room and he turned his attention to Monster. They gave one another a manly hug and he clapped his back. “Thank you for coming.”

“No place else I’d rather be, brother,” Monster said.

“I owe you an apology. We’ve had an unhealthy relationship for the greater part of our lives.

I wanted to think you were the one who wouldn’t let go of what happened. But the truth

was…You made peace with it a long time ago. You had to. The only option was bitterness and anger and you knew that wasn’t the way to go. I was so busy pretending to be okay, I never grieved, or addressed things. When I saw you with Symone, it did something to me. It showed me everything I was missing out on, because I was too fucked up to try for anything real. I resented you for that. It opened up the badly healed scar and all the sick shit oozed out. While I was here, I did a lot of thinking and looking in the mirror. I didn’t like what I saw and I’m out to change those things. I’m not perfect, I’m going to slip up. We both know habits are hard to break, but I’m the best I’ve ever been and I’m actively trying here.”

“That’s all anyone can ask. I only want you to be happy,” Monster replied.

“I think for the first time, I’m in a place where I can be.”

Monster smiled. “I’m guessing you’re anxious to be alone with your girl.”

“Yeah.” Pan ran a hand through his too long hair and laughed.

“I’ll let you get to it. It’s good to see you man. You look….Healthy.”

“I am.” He grinned.

“I won’t keep you. Word to the wise though. You need to lock that shit down, ring, title, all of it. Because she deserves that and more.”

“I know and I have plans for that.”

“Good man.” Monster tapped his shoulder with his fist and walked away.

Lark walked over, hypnotizing him with the sway of her hips.

“You ready to get out of here?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe. You ready to do this again, the right way?”

“How about tell me what you want?” She pursed her full lips.

Pan felt his body heat as he choked off a moan. “I want us to move forward and be two

whole people in love and totally committed. The first thing I want to do after I’ve proved to you that I’m on the straight and narrow is go pick out a ring. I love you little bird.”

“I love you too. I think I can handle that,” Lark whispered.

Pan leaned down and captured her lips, getting lost in the woman who’d become his catalyst for all good things. All the happiness in his life began the moment she came out at him, roaring like a lioness. Maybe she’d imparted some of her bravery to him. Happily ever after was cliché.

He couldn’t even allow himself to think along those lines. He could, however—be her nest. The comfy shelter she always came home to.

Yeah, he liked the sound of that.

The End

Tags: Shyla Colt Dueling Devils Erotic