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“It’s not you who needs to change,” she whispered. The swift change in her demeanor was an icy cold shock to his system. “I’ve floated down the river of denial long enough. I know better than most that ignorance is not bliss, and I’m ready to do my part to make this…transitional period easier on us both.”

Chapter Seven


The agreement had been a turning point in their relationship. Zasha had begun to open up and immerse herself further into his traditions; and he’d sensed a Shar mating celebration around the corner, until now.

“It could be all night before they get this evidence out of here. I want you to go get checked out,” Richards said. His muscular arms crossed over his chest as he ignored Zasha’s protest.

“I’m fine.”

“You feel fine now, but who knows what he did to you while you were unconscious.”

“You saw the EMTs clear me.”

“Not good enough. If anything happened to you, the chief would have my ass!”

“Why don’t I have our doctors look her over,” Phelan said.

“Best idea I’ve heard all night,” Richards said as he nudged her forward.

“Fine, I’ll be in with a report ready in the morning.”

“Did I forget to mention the chief said he doesn’t want to see your face until Monday?”

Her low growl made Richards chuckle as Phelan led her off.

“Enjoy your weekend, Johnson,” he called.


“We need to talk, Phelan.” Zasha’s voice was worn and tired as he entered his bedroom after the doctor exited. He nodded his head in agreement as he crossed the carpeted floor.

The woman who sat in the middle of his bed wrapped in blankets was not the one he knew. She looked tiny in the large bed, and an air of uncertainty clung to her. His legs folded beneath him as he came to rest on the edge of the bed beside her, unsure of what to say. Tavel violated the sanctity of her home, and he’d yet to hear of the horror she’d endured. The dark blue hue of the doctor’s face as he left the room spoke volumes.

“Phe–” she began. Only to pause and shake her head as she lapsed back into silence.

“Take your time, baby,” he whispered.

“He said I was his daughter,” she said. Her face twisted as if she’d tasted something foul.“It’s not possible, is it?”

His heart broke for her as he sighed. “I won’t lie to you, Zash. We found some anomalies in your genes.”

“Oh my God.”

“It doesn’t mean he’s telling the truth, Zasha. He’s a lunatic. He could’ve given you one of his strange concoctions as a child. It’d be just like him to tell you this to throw you off your game.”

“Well it worked.”

“We’re running all the tests we can, for now I think you should assume it’s not true.”

“That’s the only answer I can handle right now.”

His hand reached out to grab hers, and his body tensed as a flash of brilliant blue went off behind his lids. The sound of a rapid heartbeat echoed in his ears, and he cried out as a psychic connection was forged. The distinct black and white image that flickered in his mind conveyed an unmistakable message.

“You carry my seed!”

Fury seeped from his every pore as a blue energy crackled around him. His body quaked. His eyes bleed to black and his patience shattered.

Tags: Shyla Colt D'Shar Men Fantasy