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“The feeling is mutual.” His growled answer made her tingle.

“Let’s go before I forget that promise I made you.”

Warmth flowed inside of her and chipped away at the ice that encased her heart as they paused to take in the winter wonderland created by the PNC bank. A man who kept his word when it cost him was one she could trust in.


“I had a wonderful time, Phe, th

ank you,” Zasha said as they stood outside the door of her condo.

“It was my pleasure, Zash,” he said.

Hands held behind his back as he kept a respectable distance that made her want to scream. She needed to taste him and feel the heated flesh of his body against her own. His decadent dark taste had become akin to an expensive chocolate she craved but couldn’t afford. Only the cost wasn’t monetary, it was emotional. Every time she relinquished control and gave way to her desire they moved closer to the end result. Why did she have to be so stubborn?

Because you have enough baggage to fill an airplane freight. A tiny voice inside her head answered.

Time spent with Phe always made her lose perspective. Left her with questions about why she needed to take time and deny them what they both wanted. It was scary to struggle for control when it was the backbone she had built her whole life around. Life as a foster child had been unstable at best. Shuffled from home to home, every six months or so brought to a new school or new family to adapt to. The thought that she would one day be the master of her own destiny had been the one thing that kept her grounded.

She had steered the vessel of her life with single minded focus until Phelan shattered her plans with his admission and a lust that burned hotter than the sun. Funny that the whirlwind made her feel more alive than ever before.


Her gaze flew upward to find his amber eyes black as the night that surrounded them as she lost yet another battle to control. Her hands shot up to grip the lapels of his worn leather jacket, and she brought his head down to trace the seam of his lips with her eager tongue. He tasted of sin and musk. A heady combination that made her head spin a she hung on for dear life as her legs went weak. Impatient she plunged her tongue into the moist cavern of his mouth and coaxed him into a duel. Her pebbled nipples strained against the black sweater, and she pressed the length of her body against his. Desperate to be closer, her hands moved to spread his jacket apart as she burrowed into him. His strong fingers buried themselves in the hair she’d worn down because he liked it. Her loud moan of protest broke the stillness of the night when he pulled away.

White clouds of frost appeared around them as they caught their breath, and Zasha pondered her next move. “If you want me to wait, I have to go now, Zash.”


Torn between what she wanted and what she needed, she closed her eyes and let her head thud against the door.

“You’re not ready,” he whispered. Phelan’s lips felt petal soft as they pressed against her forehead.

“This Saturday we’ll do holo vids at my house. Now go inside before I take you against the door and give your neighbors something to talk about.”

“Mrs. Casta would love it. I think the woman was a freak back in her day.”

The mention of her kind, but nosey, elderly neighbor caused laughter as she turned the knob and made her way inside. A light “goodnight” the last words from her mouth before she closed the door and slid to the ground. Her pussy throbbed with need as her body broke out into a fine sheen of sweet. She wasn’t sure how much of this she could take.


With his jaw clenched and his eyes closed, Phelan leaned his head against the door of Zasha’s condo. Curved fingers clutched the wooden frame as he inhaled the scent of her arousal. His cock strained against the denim of his pants, and he knew if he moved a muscle he’d come all over himself like an untried youth. It was an exquisite brand of torture to endure this process with Zasha. She had no clue what she was in for when he actually got a hold of her ass again. Rough would not begin to cover the way he’d handle her pussy or her ass or her mouth. A growl reverberated through his chest, and he pushed away from the door and forced his feet to carry him away from the woman he wanted to devour whole.


“I’d ask how you were, but I get the feeling you have a set of blue balls to go with that blue face,” Mars said. He wore a cheeky grin as he entered the house and found him engrossed in a game of poker with Bastian. Things were going well between him and Zasha.

“I’m glad to see my discomfort brings you joy.”

“Oh, it’s not the discomfort; it’s the loss of control that’s entertaining,” Bastian said. His head lifted from his cards as he offered a smug grin and sipped a bottle of beer.

“You realize all of you will go through the same thing at some point, right?”

“Maybe, but I figure the odds of running into the right girl are so miniscule, I’ll be a confirmed bachelor,” Bastian said as he laughed. He had no clue what the Wanting would make you do.

“And you, Mars?”

“What he said,” he muttered. His brow furrowed as his eyes bore holes into the cards he had in his hand.

Tags: Shyla Colt D'Shar Men Fantasy