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I balance Yeona on my hip as I oversee the displays being arranged in my very first physical store, Hart’s Treasure. It turns out Seoul was the perfect place to develop and launch my skincare line. Once Fiona graduated high school, we both decided to relocate to Korea with my husband. Part older brother, and father-figure, he helped us get through Dad’s bout with the bottle.

Sobriety is an off and on state for him. It tears me up to think about it, but we all have our demons to face. This is his, and it wasn’t the only time he’s faced it. We visit him multiple times a year and stay in close contact via Skype and phone calls.

“There are my favorite girls.” Yoon steps up behind me and kisses me on the cheek.

“Say hi, Daddy.” I wave Yeona’s tiny hand as she giggles happily. The ten-month-old is the center of our world. Fiona is perfecting her Korean while attending a college, taking gen education classes while she figures out what she wants to do. Life looks far different than I expected it to, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

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Tags: Shyla Colt Romance