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“Hartley. I need you to stay late today.”

“What?” I look up from the counter. I’ve been here since the opening. “Why?”

“Emma is sick.”

I bite the inside of my cheek. I want to tell him to screw himself. A nephew of the mall’s CEO, he gets off on ordering the girls working at the counters around. The need for money effectively snatches my voice. Last week’s check went to catch up on the energy bill and water bill. If I stay later, this check will handle the trash and keep the hospital at bay. Dad has continued to skulk around the house, rarely seen, and when spotted is continuously in a foul mood.

I haven’t seen him as bad as the night we returned from our trip, but I know he’s still drinking. I see the empty bottles appearing in the garbage bags and the recycling bin. The extra hours could start repairi

ng the dent in my savings.

“How long?”

“Two hours until Stacy gets here after her last class.”

“Okay.” I swallow my pride, shove my weariness down, and remember the reason I came here in the first place. This is for Fiona.

“I need to update my plans.”

“Go ahead and take a fifteen-minute break. I’ll cover the counter for you.” He smiles. His white teeth clash with the false tan that contrasts with his dirty blond hair with its golden highlights. “I take care of my girls.”

“I’m not your girl, Chet,” I remind him sweetly.

“Not yet.” He gives me a slow once over. “But you could be.”

“I’ll pass. I don’t date where I work.” I shrug.

“You should reconsider that stance.” He steps closer, invading my space. “I know you’re working hard to help your Dad out. I could help you with that.” He trails his fingers down my arm.

I jerk away. My stomach turns. I’ll never be that desperate, you sleazy bastard. I give him a fake smile. “We’re getting by just fine.”

He hums. “Just keep my offer in mind.”

I make a non-committal sound and squeeze passed him, doubling my pace as I stride away, head held high. I stop at the coffee shop and call Ava.

“Hey, babe. Are you on your way?” Ava asks cheerfully

“No. I have to postpone our coffee date.”

“Why? Is Fiona okay?” The worry in her voice makes me smile.

“She’s fine. I’m stuck at work for another hour and a half. We had a girl call in sick.”

“Ugh. This job.”

“Girl, trust me, I know.” I rub my temple.

“How’s your Dad been this week?” I told her about the incident, unable to keep the horrific event to myself.

I shake my head. “I’m not sure if he’s actually better or hiding it.”

“You know it is not your job to clean up after his mess, right? You’re doing enough. He needs help beyond what you can give.” The truth in her words hurts.

“I know, Av. But what can I do?” I shift my weight from one foot to the other as I wait in the long line of workers also here for the caffeine fix.

“Force the issue.” I envy the certainty in her tone.

Tags: Shyla Colt Romance