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She looked furious. “You know!”

“I believe he is mine, but I want proof.”

She tossed her head. “What kind of quack doctor will do a paternity test in the middle of the night? It’s after nine!”

Cristiano was amused that she thought of nine o’clock as the middle of the night. His own nights out often didn’t start until eleven. “Dr. Garcia is my personal physician, one of the best in the city. He also appreciates that I fully fund his medical research.”

She ground her teeth. “Is everyone in this city on your payroll? Do you always get what you want?”

“Yes,” he said simply, to both.

Ten minutes later, they were seated in the back of a huge black SUV with tinted windows and a brand-new baby seat installed between them.

“Nice to meet you, ma’am,” called Matthews from the driver’s seat. “Cute little guy you’ve got there.” He looked at Cristiano in the rearview mirror. “I understand congratulations are in order, sir?”

“Thank you,” Cristiano said. He tenderly lifted a soft blue blanket against his sleeping baby’s plump cheek. Feeling Hallie’s gaze, Cristiano looked up. A current of electricity passed between them.

Biting her full, pink lower lip, she abruptly looked away. But his body was still aware of her. A new thought went through Cristiano.

He’d intended to marry her as a matter of honor and duty, but there would be compensations.

A year ago, he’d sent her away for her own good—and his. But fate had changed their lives. Now, through their child, they would always be connected.


And marriage would have other benefits. A wedding night. Endless sensual delights.

He wanted to kiss her. His gaze traced over the curve of her cheek, over the visible tremble of her pink lips as she stubbornly stared out the window into the dark city streets. He wondered how long it would take him to seduce her.

Would it be tomorrow?


Either way, Cristiano knew that nothing could now deny him the pleasure of taking Hallie to his bed. He would possess every inch of her. Every night. For as long as he desired.

Once they were wed, she would be his.


AS THEY LEFT the doctor’s private office downtown later that night, Hallie was in despair.

She couldn’t marry him. She couldn’t.

But how could she not?

Closing her eyes, she leaned back in the seat of the SUV and tried to picture herself as Cristiano’s wife. She imagined Cristiano in a tuxedo, striding through his luxury skyscraper while she trailed after him in a dumpy maid’s uniform.

How could the two of them ever marry? What did they even have in common?

Just one thing. Her gaze fell upon the baby in the car seat beside her.

What would it be like for Jack to be raised as a tycoon’s son, wealthy beyond belief? To go to all the best schools, with the best tutors? To be proficient at all the sports of the wealthy, like skiing, tennis, lacrosse? Every door in the world would be open to Jack.

A lump rose in her throat. But would her son be happy? Would he grow up to be a good, honorable man?

“Would you like me to take you home?” Cristiano said in a low voice.

Hallie looked at him over the baby seat in the back seat of the SUV. He’d taken off his tuxedo jacket and loosened his tie. His dark good looks and smoldering gaze burned through her.

Tags: Jennie Lucas Billionaire Romance