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That she didn’t want this night to end. Ever.

Not because she was a playgirl. She wasn’t. But because she was Madison Swanson, a woman who wanted a man more than she wanted her next breath. This man. Only him.

“I don’t want your control,” she admitted, sliding her fingers beneath the gap she’d created with his open zipper.

Sucking in air, he shifted to give her better access and she took full advantage, causing him to groan.

“What do you want?” he bit out hoarsely.

What she’d wanted from the first moment she’d met him. From the first moment she’d seen him in that patient room.

“You, Levi,” she admitted. “I want you.” With all her heart and all her might and all that she was. “I want you, always and for ever.”


MADISON might have been on a sexual power trip during their love-making, but afterwards she just felt awkward. Horribly awkward.

He’d not said a word to her since he’d cried out her name and lost himself inside her.

Which was the real problem, wasn’t it?

They’d completely lost their minds, lost themselves in each other, in passion. At least, she had, and assumed Levi had, too.

Oh, who was she kidding? She knew he had lost his mind, too. No doubt about it. Levi had been as caught up in the moment as she had. Surprising, yes, but he had been totally enraptured with her body, with being inside her, with giving her pleasure, in taking his own.

“Had been” being the key words.

“Are you on the Pill?” Levi’s tone was stressed. Tension poured off him from the other side of the blanket.

She stole a glance at him in the pale sliver of moonlight, the flicker of the candles casting an eerie look about his face. His face was pinched as he pulled his jeans on. He didn’t even look at her. Made a point not to accidentally bump against her while dressing.

Anger surged through her. Anger and hurt.

How dared he act like she was a leper?

What had happened to his whispered words of praise as he’d pulled her scrub top off? When he’d slipped his hands inside her pants, he’d been looking at her all right. Deep into her eyes, breathing hard, telling her how good she felt, how much he wanted her, how he couldn’t wait to push himself inside her.

Ha, where was that want now? He looked like he was ready to put on his shoes and run as far away as he could get.

He was putting on his shoes. Literally.

Great. Well, she’d wondered what would happen if they had sex. Now she knew.

Trying to contain the ache spreading through her chest, she shook her head. “No, I’m not on the Pill or any other kind of birth control. I’ve had no reason to be and didn’t want to unnecessarily put hormones into my body. I assumed when I became sexually active again my partner would wear protection.”

She hadn’t meant her words to sound so accusatory, but they did come out that way. Then again, he was acting as if this was all her fault.

His sigh reverberated through her despite the fact they no longer touched. No, he’d rolled over, put his clothes back on, and now lay next to her, fully dressed, staring up at the star-dotted sky as if the weight of the world weighed on him.

“Where are you in your cycle?” He sounded clinical, as the doctor he was, as if he spoke to an irresponsible teenager.

Hello, he’d been right there with her. Which didn’t lessen her blame, didn’t lessen that she’d lost her head and had had unprotected sex.

Not smart. Not smart at all.

Madison cringed. Inwardly. Outwardly. Cringed.

Could the magic from moments before have sunk to lower depths than discussing her menstrual cycle?

Tags: Janice Lynn Billionaire Romance