Page 21 of The ER's Newest Dad

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“Uncle Vann is awesome,” her son said with conviction, giving Ross a closer look. He wasn’t used to waking up to find a strange man in their house. Curiosity and uncertainty creased his forehead.

“That he is,” Ross said, seeming to finally find his tongue as he’d not spoken since Justice had interrupted their conversation.

Brielle scooped Justice up in her arms, knowing she wouldn’t be able to do so for much longer as he was growing like a weed. She loved the feel of her son in her arms, of his freshly washed hair and warm little body. Her heart swelled at how much he meant to her, how much he’d blessed her life.

“Come on, Bruce,” she said gently, kissing the top of his head. “Let’s get you that water so you can get back to bed.”

“Bruce?” Ross asked, looking confused and a bit overwhelmed. She’d felt his gaze on her and Justice while she held him, had sensed his curiosity and even awkwardness, as if he felt he was watching something private, just between them, that he shouldn’t be witnessing yet couldn’t bring himself to look away.

Brielle pointed to her son’s superhero-covered pajamas.

“Oh, right.” He laughed low, unnatural sounding almost. “Bruce.”

Justice found his comment or something about it funny and began to laugh, too.

Curious about how strong, confident Ross looked and sounded awkward, Brielle hugged the giggling boy to her, kissed his brow. “Come on, giggle box. Water, then back to bed for you.”

Knowing exactly how to wrap his mother around his precious little fingers, Justice put his hands on her cheeks, palms flat, and kissed her. Normally, she might have given in, held him in her lap, and just enjoyed the moment. Not tonight. Not with the past waiting to engulf her.

“That was a great kiss,” she informed her son. “But you still have to go back to bed.”

Frowning, Justice shook his head, his fine blond hair flying away from his head with the movement. “Uncle Vann’s friend is here and I should take care of Uncle Vann’s friend for him.” He spoke so fast, making his argument, Brielle couldn’t help but appreciate her son’s sharp little mind. “He would want me to.”

Fighting the squeezing motion gripping her heart, Brielle stared at her son and was curious about where his thoughts had gone. “Just how would you take care of Uncle Vann’s friend?”

“I’d teach him how to build a castle like me and Uncle Vann did. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Her son turned wide blue eyes to Ross and, just as everyone else was, Ross seemed instantly charmed by their son.

Looking directly at Justice, his face intent, he nodded. “I’m an expert castle builder. The best in the state.”

Justice’s eyes got huge then he shook his head, sending his hair flying again. “Nope. Uncle Vann is the best. I know he is.”

Brielle’s heart caught in mid-beat.

“Not biased, are you, champ?”

Justice’s big blue eyes lifted to her at Ross’s question.

Knowing her son didn’t understand Ross’s comment, she clarified. “Dr. Lane just means that you love Uncle Vann very much and sometimes when you love someone, that makes you think they are the best.”

Justice, sharp as ever, seized the moment. “Like you are the best mommy ever?”

Brielle couldn’t keep from kissing her son’s downy head. “Exactly. Now, let’s get you that water and back to bed.”

Ross followed her and Justice to the kitchen, watched as she got her son’s water, watched the little boy take a sip and hand the cup back to his mother with a big s


“Thank you,” Justice said automatically, reaching for her to pick him up again. Brielle did so, letting him wrap his legs around her waist and his arms around her neck. “Love you.”

“Love you, too, Bruce.”

Justice giggled at her pet name for him and buried his face against her chest, yawning.

Unable to look towards Ross, she walked past him to carry her son to his bed, tucked him in, and told him a quick story while lightly scratching his back until he fell asleep.

For long moments she watched him in the low light given off from his superhero nightlight.

The safe little existence she’d made for them was about to change for ever.

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance