Page 18 of The ER's Newest Dad

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The man? The one she claimed to love? His stomach clenched. Sweat prickled his skin.

“Yes, she does,” a deep male voice answered. “What about it?”

“Vann.” A myriad of emotions struck Ross. Initially, relief that Brielle hadn’t gone from his arms to another man’s, then overwhelming regret. This man had been his college roommate, his best friend. Why had he not fought to repair the friendship after his and Brielle’s break-up? Why had he let their friendship end too? He’d lost his two best friends when he’d left North Carolina. No wonder he’d been so bone-aching miserable and lonely when he’d first arrived in Boston that he’d gone on a social whirl, trying to fill the void.

“Good to see you,” he said with brute honesty.

His former friend eyed him for long moments, then surprised him by turning to Brielle.

“I’ve got to head to Samantha’s.” He bent and kissed her cheek. To Ross he only nodded then walked past him out the door.

“Don’t go!” Brielle practically begged her brother. “Please, don’t go.”

Vann paused, turned, looked directly at her. “I figure you two have things to talk about that I’d just be a third wheel for, but...” his gaze cut to Ross and his expression hardened “...I’m only a phone call away if I’m needed.”

Yeah, Ross knew exactly what Vann meant. Hurt his sister again and he’d do more than bloody his nose. That had been Vann’s promise.

Brielle was staring at her brother in shock. No doubt she’d never heard the dark threat in Vann’s tone before. Vann didn’t do dark, but when it came to Brielle he’d hold his own with anyone.

Ross nodded his understanding at the man glaring at him.

“You don’t have to go, Vann,” Brielle began again, obviously not wanting her brother to leave. Did she think she needed protection from Ross?

Recalling how hot the fires burned between them, perhaps they both needed protection.

“You know I do, sis.” Vann’s expression seemed to be saying a lot more than his words. “You’re going to be fine. Regardless, you will be fine.”

Swallowing, she nodded.

“Call if you need anything. I’ll be at Samantha’s all weekend.” He winced. “Unless we argue again.”

Ross couldn’t help but wonder at Vann’s comment. Were he and Samantha having problems? They’d been together so long he just assumed they got along. Maybe more had changed over the past five years than just his relationship with Brielle.

He and Brielle stood on her porch, watching her brother get into his car and drive away until the taillights had disappeared down the street.

Crickets chirped in the distance. The smell of someone’s barbecue floated on the night air. Ross cleared his throat.

“I suppose we could go in.” She didn’t sound thrilled at the prospect.

“If you don’t want to, we could sit in your porch swing and talk,” he offered, trying to ease her discomfort and perhaps even his own.

Her gaze went to the porch swing built for two. He watched the emotions flash across her face, knew exactly what she was thinking. The porch swing was made for two without extra space for avoiding touching each other.

“No, come inside. We just have to keep it down because Justice is asleep.”


Brielle’s face paled. Her mouth dropped open. She grasped the doorjamb as if to steady herself.

“I can explain,” she said, but she didn’t. She couldn’t do more than just stare at him, her eyes filled with what? Horror? Shock? Fear?

“Who is Justice?” he asked, knowing he wasn’t going to like the answer. “The man you mentioned earlier? He’s here? Asleep in your house?”

She winced, shook her head. “No.”

“Then who is sleeping in your house? Who is Justice?”

She swallowed. Hard. “My son.”

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance