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Had she said the words or him?

His mouth must have developed an agenda of its own, too, because when his hands pushed away her top and bra, his lips covered the perfection of her creamy breast. His gut clenched.

He’d changed into jeans when he’d arrived home. Now he longed for the comfort of his loose slacks because his jeans had grown way too snug.

As if she’d read his mind, Trinity’s fingers undid his jeans and slid beneath the material of his shirt. She ran her fingers along his abs, tracing lightly but with the effect of lightning bolts, before moaning and pulling him close enough that their bodies molded together.

“More,” she demanded, her fingers going into his hair and pulling

his mouth to hers. The moment his mouth covered hers, they both began to make haste with his shirt buttons, with her pushed-aside shirt, until they both stood bare chested against each other.

More sounded just about right. He wanted more. Lots more.

Somewhere in the recesses of her mind a small voice warned Trinity that she needed to stop. Sure, everything was going just fine at the moment but she really wasn’t any good at this. If she didn’t stop, Riley was soon going to discover that fact for himself, and then what?

But her body wasn’t listening to her brain. Her body was way too busy discovering new and wonderful sensations that his mouth and hands were distributing all the way through her.

In a minute she’d stop, but for now she just wanted to feel everything he so generously gave. Surely that wasn’t so wrong? After all, it was Christmas Eve.

So rather than cover her breasts when her shirt fell to the floor, she dropped her head back and basked in the absolute glory of his eyes feasting on her. They did. As if her body was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Wow. How did he do that? Make her feel so good without saying a word?

So when his hands and mouth returned to work, she wasn’t surprised that the rest of her body wanted to get closer, to get in on the action. Her hips ground against him, marveling at the hardness pressing against her, marveling at how he breathed raggedly, at how absolutely turned on he was. By her.

His hands sliding her pants down her hips felt natural, like the most perfect thing ever. Standing before him, his eyes eating up the image of her in only her peach-colored panties could never be wrong as long as he looked at her with that light in his eyes. He wanted her. More than she’d ever been wanted, Riley wanted her. Being the object of his desire was a heady high.

One that left her wanting more. And more. And more.

Unable to stand still another moment, she moved to him, kissed him, ran her fingers over the beauty of his shoulders, his chest.

Strong, chiseled, the way a man’s body should look. He was so beautiful. So much so she should probably feel intimidated, but how could she when he was so obviously affected by her, when his eyes had been soaking up the sight of her body like a starved man? When he now touched her with that same urgency?

The open snap of his jeans dug into her belly, reminding her they were in her way. She slid her hands down over the hard planes of his abdominal muscles and into the edges of his waistband. She gave a hard tug. His hands immediately joined hers in removing his clothes.

Then they stood in front of each other, he in navy boxer briefs, she in panties that were growing more and more damp.

“You’re beautiful.”

She shook her head. “You are.”

He smiled.

She smiled back and nodded. She knew better than to do this. Especially at Christmas, but she wasn’t stopping.

Trinity sighed with contentment in her sleep, rousing herself. Without opening her eyes, she smiled.

Really, really smiled.

Because Riley had been right. Chase had been wrong. She hadn’t been horrible at sex. She’d just been having sex with the wrong man.

And Riley was the right man.

A bubble of panic flitted through her, but her body glowed with contentment and her joy was too great to let doubt take hold. Not now. Now she wanted what she hadn’t had the first time she’d woken up with Riley. She wanted to wake him up with kisses, make him smile.

Then, she hadn’t believed herself capable. Now, she knew better. He’d woken a siren within her. And not one who was horrible either.

Smiling, she rolled over, only to come shockingly fully awake.

She was alone.

Tags: Janice Lynn Billionaire Romance