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He ran a hand over the back of his neck and tried to keep his expression neutral.

“So, uh, about the tutoring.” The words were pulled from him because he didn’t know what else to say. “How are you, Mary? God, you look pretty. Let’s say screw the tutoring and let me take you out.”

“Yeah,” she said, and gave me a smile, and it was lighter, not so skeptical. “Let me pull up my schedule and I’ll let you know what days I have open.” She grabbed her phone and started going through her calendar.

The front of her shirt had gaped open slightly when she’d bent to get her phone from her bag, and he could see the lacy edge of her bra and the sloped mound of her breasts slightly spilled forward. Oh fuck. His dick grew hard instantly and he shifted on his seat, clearing his throat and quickly looking away when she lifted her gaze and gave him a strange look.

“You okay?”

He cleared his throat again. “Yeah. I’m good. I’m good.”

Her brows pulled down low again because he even heard how tense his tone was.

“So those days?” He said it too fast, clearly changing subjects.

Her eyebrows lifted then at the urgency in his voice, but he needed a distraction. Because his cock stiffened as he thought about her breasts, and the way the wind blew the tendrils around her face, strands of her dark hair having fallen free from the loose braid she wore.

She stared at him for another second before focusing on her phone again. “I’m not sure what your class schedule is, or how long you need to be tutored, so we should probably figure that out first.”

He scrubbed a hand over his head, and then leaned forward, bringing his upper body closer to her. “I’m free whenever you are. Any time.” Don’t seem so fucking desperate, man.

“So you’re motivated to do this? No slacking?”

He shook his head. “I can’t fuck this up.”

She nodded as if that pleased her, and a part of him grew hot over that, his chest puffing up because he felt pride that she was happy about what he’d just said. He rattled off the days he didn’t have class, and the hours he was free on the days he did. She wrote everything down, and when she was finished, she lifted her gaze to meet his stare.

“I can fit you in Friday, and we can set up a routine. Maybe three days a week, and at least an hour or two each session depending on if you’re struggling with the material? They can be in the evening since that will give us the longest periods of time without interruption.” She started worrying her bottom lip, her straight white teeth pulling at her full, pink lip.

Alex was transfixed at the sight. Well, fuck. He was going to have to go home and jerk off after this.

“Yeah,” he finally said after he realized he’d been quiet for too long. “That sounds good.”

The waitress came back around and asked Mary if she wanted anything, but after she said no, they were left alone again.

“So, what’s the damage?”

She gave him a confused look. “The damage?”

“What’s the going rate for a pretty tutor?” He liked that her cheeks turned pink after that.

She cleared her throat. “Um,” suddenly the napkin in front of her was pretty interesting since she kept unfolding and folding it. “I actually had something else in mind for payment.”

Her statement had his dick jerking violently behind his fly. All he could think about was her asking him for sex in payment for the tutoring, and fuck didn’t that make him a dirty asshole. But he couldn’t help but imagine her red lips parting as she told him his cock was worth more than any dollar he tossed her way. Oh God dammit, he was such a fucking douche to be imagining any of this.

He licked his lips, cleared the hoarseness from his throat, and tried to force his voice to sound halfway normal. “You have something else in mind?”

“I, ugh… I have this little problem, and I think you might be the perfect guy to help me out with it.”

Holy fuck.

“So, I have this wedding next month, my sister’s actually, and I’m kind of being forced to bring a date.” She glanced up at him, but before he could have said anything she started speaking again because it was clear she was nervous. “You wouldn’t be like my real date, but I’d need…” She shifted on her seat, and Alex couldn’t help how hot it was that she was scared to ask him. He found it endearing as fuck.

“You need me to pretend to be your boyfriend?” He couldn’t help but smile at those words spilling from his lips, and he didn’t know why his chest felt so damn warm over it.

Tags: Jenika Snow Romance