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“Maybe. How was life on tour?” I asked, craning my neck to give him better access.

“Honestly, I’ve had enough Country and Western music to last me a lifetime.”

Ziggy had moved in with me all of about five seconds after we got together. Not that it was official or anything for the first few months. But if he wasn’t at work, he was here with me. So keeping his apartment across town seemed pretty silly pretty fast. He only took away jobs for a week maximum before swapping out with another bodyguard so he could come home. His choice, not mine. Though it was nice to know he made us a priority. It wasn’t always easy, what with the long hours. However, we made it work. For me, the man was more than worth it and I guess he felt the same. Sometimes I had to go to L.A. or New York for work and if he was available, he went with me. If not, we talked and texted whenever possible. While his boss, Sam, reportedly hadn’t been delighted at our coupledom, he’d come around to the idea of Ziggy and me being serious. There were certainly no weird scenes or vibes at any of the Stage Dive etcetera get-togethers. Life was good. Very good.

“Hello there. Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” I asked when he ground something suspiciously hard against my hip. Hard and vaguely box like in shape so sadly not his magnificent dick.

The man instantly stilled. “You weren’t supposed to notice that.”


“Let’s pretend you didn’t notice it.” Something in his gaze seemed almost…damn, I wasn’t sure what the emotion was. Which made me even more curiou


“I don’t think so. Hand it over.”


“Gimme.” I slipped my hand into his pants pocket, drawing out the small blue box. As always when he was coming home from a job, he wore a gun in a holster beneath his arm. But I’d gotten used to that. This Tiffany box, however, was something quite new. “You bought me jewelry? It’s not my birthday for months yet.”

“I know. This isn’t for your birthday.”

I popped the lid on the box, eyes going wide as twin moons at the sight of the diamond solitaire ring sitting within. “Holy shit.”

“Agreed,” he muttered. “Meant to hide it in the car. But I was rushing to get back to you and forgot. I had plans for how this was going to go down.”

“Ziggy, that’s a really big ring. Like seriously huge.”

“Had Lena use the Ferris name to get us a table at the fancy new restaurant in town you’ve been wanting to try, but has been booked out for months.”

“It’s so shiny.” I took it out of the box, sliding it onto my ring finger. “See how shiny and pretty it is?”

“There was going to be roses and music. It was all going to be very romantic. You’re getting chocolate frosting on the ring.” He laughed quietly against my ear. “But I’m glad you like it.”

“Hold up,” I said, turning on him. “Did you actually just give me an engagement ring without telling me you love me first? Because I’ll have you know, that’s not the correct order these things are done in. My mother would be appalled at your lack of decorum.”

“To be fair, you stole the ring straight out of my pocket. Like I keep saying, I had plans…” He winced. “But also, you mother loves me. I’ll have you know, I already asked for her blessing and she happily gave it.”

“You called my mom and asked for her permission?”

“I did.”

“That’s so nice.” I grinned. “You’re a nice man, Ziggy Thayer.”

He tried giving me his hard-ass blank face expression, but it didn’t work. “To be honest, I was a little worried you’d think it was too soon. But I don’t know, it just felt right to me. You feel right to me, my mighty benevolent goddess.”

“It’s not too soon,” I said, eyes getting misty. “Though you still haven’t said that you love me. Like, ever.”

The twin slashes of his dark brows drew together. “Haven’t I?”

“No. Not once.” I lightly poked him in the shoulder. “I’ve told you, Ziggy, but you have yet to say it back.”

“I could have sworn I had.”

“Nope. To be honest, it’s been bugging me more than a little. But I decided to give it another week before I kicked your ass over it.”

“You’ve been cranky about that and you still made my favorite chocolate cake for me anyway?”

Tags: Kylie Scott Stage Dive Book Series