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I did as told. “Are you going to tell me a bedtime story?”

“No.” And he said no more.

I opened one eye, just to check on the situation. But he was sitting there, watching me in silence. What with my job and all, people staring at me happened on a regular basis. However, having this man’s full attention was something else indeed. He looked at me and I looked at him, and neither of us said anything. Apparently the man would just be waiting me out.

Fine. Whatever.

I closed my watchful eye and laced my fingers over my belly. No chance I’d actually fall asleep like this, no matter how tired I was. It had been a while since anyone was in my bedroom, let alone watched me sleep. Not sure if it was more of a stalker or a safety blanket move. Though I did feel protected with him there. Also weirded out in a way, but still. Ziggy carried a gun and probably knew how to Kung Fu or Muay Thai someone into oblivion, whereas I’d flunked out of boxercise. So it’s not like anyone would be getting past the man to hurt me. Right here and now I was safe.

With nothing else to listen to, I listened to him breathe. In and out, in and out. Slow and steady. Calm and controlled. And somewhere along the line, miracle of miracles, I actually did drift off to sleep.


A knock on the door woke me. Couldn’t tell what time it was with the curtains drawn and the room mostly in darkness. But in the corner sat a large dark shadow of a man. I reached for my cell on the bedside table. No way. It said nine am. I’d slept a whole damn day. I flicked on the lamp, yawning and stretching.

Fast asleep, Ziggy didn’t seem quite as intimidating. His head lay against the side of the chair. His long dark eyelashes rested against his face. The striking angular lines of his cheekbones were softened somehow. Stubble lined his jaw and the hint of roughness suited him big time. Across his lap lay his suitcoat along with his holster and gun. Bet he’d be up and ready to go in an instant if necessary. Surprising he hadn’t heard the knock. He must be fast asleep.

It made my heart mushy, seeing him this way, knowing he’d stayed all night to watch over me. Or maybe he’d been exhausted and had simply crashed for an epic sleep too. Then again, maybe he was just a kind person. A bit of both, perhaps?

The knocking came again and he stirred. I jumped out of bed and ran for the door before the noise could fully wake him, stopping to check the identity of my visitor in the peephole like a sensible person before turning off the alarm.

“Leonard.” I smiled.

“Morning, Miss Cooper. Got a delivery for you. It’s heavy.” He paused so I could extract the card then wandered inside carrying the mountain-sized flower arrangement. Roses, orchids, and lilies among a wealth of other flowers were spilling out all over the place in a riot of colors. “Kitchen counter okay?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“It came from a local florist and the sender is a known acquaintance of yours. Hope you don’t mind, but I felt it best to check it wasn’t the crackpot who sent you that nonsense the other day.”

“Oh, good. That’s a relief.”

“Also, most of the photographers from downstairs are gone.”

My shoulders sagged. I hadn’t even registered how tightly strung my muscles were until they relaxed. “I’m very happy to hear that.”

“Have a nice day, ma’am.”

“You too.”

Leonard headed back out, and I shut things up

behind him before turning to the flowers.

“Impressive,” said Ziggy, standing in the hallway with his suitcoat back on. “You checked your peephole, ascertained the delivery’s status, and then relocked the door and reset the alarm system. That’s the security conscious mentality we’re aiming for.”

I swallowed a bit uncomfortably. Not that I didn’t like the praise, but this was weird, waking up to him being in my home. Not bad weird. Just ever so slightly awkward. Intimate in a strange way might be the best explanation. Also, I probably looked a mess.

“Good morning.” I braved a smile. “I didn’t expect you to stay all night.”

“If you haven’t seen me leave, then I’ll be here. Always. Security breaches happen when the client thinks they have protection but don’t.” A shrug. “Besides, I didn’t want you to wake up alone if you had nightmares or something.”

More of the mushy sensation invaded my heart. “Thank you. I appreciate that. Can I get you some coffee?”


I turned on the machine, which was all set to go from yesterday. No way would I ever attempt facing the A.M. without serious caffeine running through my veins. Then I opened the card and any and all good feelings faded in an instant. “Ugh. You have to be kidding me. They’re from my ex. He’s worried about me and misses me, apparently. Should have thought of that before he stuck his dick in places it didn’t belong. Wants me to call him. As if. Not today, Satan. Not tomorrow either.”

A grunt from Ziggy standing sentry at the end of the counter.

Tags: Kylie Scott Stage Dive Book Series