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“Yeah, but you say that when I have bed hair and morning breath.”

“Not my fault you’re so beautiful.”

“You’re awfully good for my ego.”

“When it comes to you, I live to serve.” He brought my left hand to his lips, giving the monster-size rock on my ring finger a smile. Because bigger is always better.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you too. Why are we whispering?”

I laughed. “No idea. Let’s go do this thing.”

Sam’s business had been in operation for almost six months and was a total success. We’d both put in some serious hours along the way, but it’d been worth it. Turned out he had a gift for training up the new executive protection officers and managing in general. Our team was still small at present, but in high demand. Though the Stage Dive family tended to keep us busy. And Adam, of course.

As for me, between Adam’s overnight success, finding our own place, and helping Sam get things going, I’d been kept plenty busy. There’d been no time for Hawaii or anywhere else for that matter. So about a month ago, I’d informed my big, strong, and very understanding man that it was time for some bling and he’d delivered. Boy, had he delivered. No idea when we’d have time to plan a wedding. Maybe we’d stick with group tradition and go get hitched in Vegas.

Downstairs, the whole crew was assembled. Jimmy and Ben were keeping an eye on the assorted children busy at play while Lena and Lizzy caught up over beers. Gib’s box of toys in the corner had been one of our first investments. Because having a three-year-old running around your house bored is just asking for trouble. Having three of them with nothing to play with would be an outright nightmare. And while I might not be Gib’s nanny any longer, he still visited once a week for a sleep-over so his parents could get some adult time together. Also so Gib, Sam, and I could have our bonding time, of course.

Ev and David were preparing pizzas in the kitchen. God only knew what would be on them. When it came to pizza toppings during our girls’ nights, I’d learned to just let the woman do her thing. It had taken a slightly tense discussion/argument between us regarding broccoli and zucchini. Because honest to God, who the hell puts those things on a pizza? I mean, honestly. It still blew my mind. But so long as pepperoni continued to be provided, I decided to let it go. So yes, we might occasionally still butt heads over small silly things. But it generally all worked out just fine. Due to age, wisdom, or being too damn worn out running our respective businesses to bother stressing…who knows? Ev and I were at peace. Even David and I basically got along.

On the long gray suede couch, Anne enjoyed the housewarming by sitting and doing her best to relax. Something probably not easily managed, care of Mal ever so gently tapping out drum beats with his fingers on her huge pregnant belly. Her tolerance levels were pretty much superior to mine in every way. Anne was a saint as far as I was concerned and the designer baby suits I had stashed away waiting for the delivery were too cute for words. Sweet of her to give me another reason to shop. The two women I’d really bonded with, however, were Lena and Lizzy. They were both slightly evil and sarcastic, two qualities I appreciated greatly. And if I needed something, they were there for me. Ditto to me being there for them. Because relationships were totally a give and take type situation.

It might have taken me a while to figure it out, but family and friends mattered. Family, friends, and my man. And our house.

“You’re smiling,” said Sam, slipping an arm around my waist as we stood at the bottom of the stairs.

“That’s because I’m happy.”

“Oh? And why is that?” he asked, pretending ignorance.

I shrugged, nestling in closer to him. Turned out I was a cuddler after all. “Because life is good.”

“I’m glad, love. I’m very glad indeed,” he said. “Welcome home.”


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