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“Good. You?”

I just nodded.

Pleasantries exchanged, he shifted the chair back a bit from me and focused on my brother. “Benny, this the one you wanted me to hear? He’s good.”

“Yeah, was talking to him earlier. I’m going to produce his album, get him started.”


“Got the equipment there, figure we might as well use it,” said my brother. “Keep busy while you take some down time and work on the next album.”

“I think it’s a great idea.”

Lizzy gave me something between a worried/sorry type look. God, I so didn’t need that. David and I had been finished a long, long time ago. While my heart no longer broke at the thought of him, the sight of him wasn’t exactly welcome. I mean, why would anyone want to revisit some of their worst moments? Sure there’d been some good ones in there too, but still. At least he hadn’t brought his wife.

And what I needed right now was some space. “The ice has melted in my drink. I’m getting another.”

“Do you want me to come too?” asked Lizzy.

“No, it’s fine.”

Movements stiff and awkward, I made my way through the crowd. Some interested gazes from strangers tracked over me, but I ignored them all. Flirting and what might follow wasn’t high on my list of interests right now. Luckily, the bar wasn’t far. The place might be packed, but the air-con was pumped up so my makeup hadn’t melted off. Thank goodness. I’d been waiting at the bar for all of about point five of a second when Sam appeared alongside me. First hint he didn’t need a drink, he was facing the wrong way, his gaze still on Ben, David, and the crowd. Second hint was when he opened his mouth and said, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

He tipped his chin.

I scowled in return. “Do you need something?”


“Shouldn’t you be working then?”

The sly sort of curve of his mouth happened again. “No need to switch on bitch mode just because someone expresses concern for you, Martha.”

“Who said I ever turned it off?”

His smile broadened almost imperceptibly. I watched it happen out of the corner of my eye.

“Good to see the years spent in New York haven’t changed you any,” he said.

Not too sure about that.

“I was surprised to hear about your return.”

“Spur of the moment type thing.”

He just nodded, eyes now narrowed on me slightly. Like he could read my mind or something. Heaven help me if he could.

Valentino boot tapping against the hideous sticky beer-stained floor, I scowled some more. Something about the man just brought up my hackles. Like I couldn’t afford to have a soft underbelly. Ever. He knew too much. “Sam, this place is gross.”

“It’s not so bad.”

“Don’t you hate having to wait around all the time?”

“I’m not waiting, I’m working,” he said. “It’s a plus he’s good.” He nodded toward the young man on stage.

“Developing an ear for talent, are we?”

Tags: Kylie Scott Stage Dive Book Series