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Conor’s brows crooked. ‘Which, you assume, puts you at an advantage.’

‘It means that I can keep my job.’

‘Until I find a suitable replacement.’

She looked at him. ‘If you find a suitable replacement,’ she said with a thin smile.

He laughed softly. ‘You’re very sure of yourself, Arden, aren’t you?’

‘About some things, yes.’

‘There’s no need to sound so defensive. Self-assurance is an admirable quality. I’m just not accustomed to finding it in a woman who looks the way you do.’

‘And I’m not accustomed to being insulted!’

She turned sharply and started down the hall again, but he caught up to her when she was halfway there and clasped her shoulder.

‘Dammit, will you stop playing the wounded innocent?’

‘Let go of me!’

‘Not until we’ve talked.’

‘We’ve got nothing to say to each other, Senor Martinez. We—hey. Hey! What do you think you’re doing?’

She struggled fiercely as he pushed her into the darkened drawing-room, but there was no way she could combat his strength. He slammed the door, caught both her wrists in one hand, and pressed her back against the wall.

‘The first thing you’re going to learn,’ he said grimly, ‘is that when I tell you something, I expect you to listen.’

‘You’re a damned bully!’

‘Careful,’ he said softly. ‘You don’t really want to get into name-calling, do you?’

‘I know what you are, Conor Martinez. You’re trying to take over your uncle’s estate. You can’t wait for him to die, you want it all now!’

Conor laughed. ‘Is that what he told you?’

‘I don’t hear you denying it.’

‘What’s the problem, Arden? Does it upset you to think someone else got to Uncle Felix first?’

‘The problem,’ Arden said, ‘is that I don’t know how I’m going to be able to live under the same roof with a man like you!’

Conor laughed again, but there was a different sound to it this time.

‘Don’t you?’

‘No.’ Arden squirmed against his grasp. ‘You’re despicable! Let me go, damn you!’

‘I will.’ He shifted his weight and his body brushed lightly against hers. An electric tingle seemed to dance along her skin. ‘Just as soon as we get a few things sorted out.’

‘Such as?’

‘While you’re living in this house, you’ll treat me with respect.’

‘You don’t deserve any.’

‘And that we keep our squabbling to a minimum.’

Tags: Sandra Marton Billionaire Romance