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Suddenly shy of being naked before him, she wished she could ask him to turn around. Some seductress I am.

He snorted, “Don’t worry, I won’t kill any of Rylee’s cattle or bison.”

Her tense muscles relaxed. Good thing he didn’t think she hesitated because she was shy being naked in front of him. Being nude around other werewolves never bothered her. Why should she care now?

Cricket shifted and stood still as he gazed at her body with the hungry green eyes of a predator. Why is he staring at me as if I’m mate material? Her nipples peaked in naughty response to his wolfish stare.

Slade held the door open for Cricket. He nearly drooled. She had the sweetest svelte hot kick-ass body. Nipples begging to be licked, bitten. Howloooo. His hungry wolf desired more tha

n a little taste of Cricket.

She blushed, scooted in, and dashed to her room.

He gazed at her retreating form, enjoying her perfect round ass wiggle. More than enjoyed, but rather lusted for. Never had he felt such a need to mount a lower rank more than now. Hell, she wasn’t his type. Too petite. Too human. Not politically connected and worse, a runt. Not only forbidden as mate material, but also for a sexual romp in the den. He was unclear why. The ruling had been passed down and never questioned because it wasn’t necessary. Cricket was the first runt to survive the change in centuries. Had she earned the right to mate?

Fuck. Is my desire for the delicious brunette a strong indicator, I’m not back to normal? He walked into his room and dressed. At least he directed his confusion toward forbidden fruit rather than challenging the alphas who had robbed him of his right to kill his pack’s murderers. According to Rylee, Enforcer Dominic and key members of her Greywolf team had slaughtered them all. He should be grateful lycan justice was meted out. After all, he was stuck in Europe, maddened with grief. If they waited for him to come to his senses and return home, the bastards that slaughtered his pack might have escaped. Rylee offered him a position on Team Greywolf, to put his rage to constructive use as an elite soldier. He’d help prevent future attacks from yet unknown oath breakers. However, this was not how his inner wolf reasoned. The fierce inconsolable wolf fought to stay a beast. Leave humanity. Leave lycan society.

Cricket’s presence had changed everything. Before meeting her, he only desired to destroy, not just things but every breathing lycan or human who dared confront his beast. She calmed him. Not just because she appeared vulnerable and needed his protection, because he sensed that wasn’t true. Runt or not, she served as a special agent on Rylee’s Team Greywolf. He smiled. Her little submissive routine was contrived. Most subordinates feared him. Her scent and pulse rate proved otherwise. Instead, she tolerated him. Resented him, especially when he used his alpha gaze to render her helpless to his will and she could do nothing except submit to his needs. Yet, when she lay on her back playing the role of submissive, he’d scented her arousal. Who could blame her? She-wolves fought fang and claw for him. As soon as he was well, he’d find his mate, one who would not mind settling near LIA headquarters. An alpha who might consider working for Rylee.

A distant memory of hunting with his brothers haunted his soul. His fangs extended, and his claws snapped out. How could he live without them, his parents, his beta friends and his loyal omegas? Alone. The wolf growled. Yet, he abandoned them.

“Prince Slade.”

He cocked his head at her, now dressed in form-fitting blue jeans and a red sweater. Her amber eyes mesmerized him. This time, she wasn’t faking it. Her heartbeat raced. About time she showed respect.

Despite her deference, she approached him, her hand extended. “Please, sit. I’ll bring you something to eat.”

Slade slowly exhaled. “I’m not hungry.”

“I know. You are grieving, and I understand.”

Slade narrowed his eyes. “How could you?” He raked his uncombed hair back. “You know nothing.”

“During the change, other stronger wolves died.” Tears welled in her eyes. “Imagine my pack’s disappointment when I, a useless runt, survived and stronger children had not.”

He met her eyes. Even more beautiful as they glistened with wetness. “Never say you are useless. A runt able to survive the change is favored by the gods.” He stepped closer and thumbed away a tear.

“Or a freak.”

“When my older alpha brother bit me, I almost died.”

Cricket smirked. “You?”

“I suffered for two days as Stallo’s poison coursed through me.” He snorted. “I thought how bad could my brother’s bite be while he was human?” How ironic a human bite created the werewolf and not the other way around.

“Try suffering the change for four days.”


“I should have died after a couple hours, but I clung on and on. My mother told me the pack alpha almost put me out of my misery. Yet, because I fought so hard to stay alive, he let me fight one more day. And another. Until, weak and barely able to move, I uttered the words, I survived.”

“You are more than special, you’re a miracle.”

Cricket’s eyes widened, and her cheeks blushed. “Umm. Thanks.”

Slade couldn’t help but admire her. Their life had not been easy. Actually, his had been much easier than hers, from the time he roamed the woods as a wolf with his pack to after the change when he was a prince and privileged. Cricket had been the lowest of the low. He imagined she never got the best parts of a kill, always had to be submissive even to the omegas, given a silly name and living with her humiliating frailty. Fated to die during the change. And yet, she’d suffered the agonizing pain of the change for four days, lived, and earned beta status within Rylee’s pack. Like him. A fighter. Like her, did he now have a purpose to serve his kind? Was that why he felt a strong bond with this petite she-wolf? He cleared his throat. “Any idea where to go?”

“We can hike to headquarters. You have an appointment with Dr. Warner in a couple hours.”

Tags: Eva Gordon Team Greywolf Fantasy