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What had she done to them? What had she done to herself?

Her mind was reeling, but the cool touch of Ana’s fingers at her back, stiff as they were, felt somehow reassuring. It was sad, really, how starved for a connection she’d become.

Any kind of connection.

“I am so tired.”

She felt beat, and let Ana lead her back to the bedroom that she’d woken up in a few hours earlier. She still clutched the two ends of her shirt together, and cringed when Ana turned abruptly and spoke softly. “I have another shirt that should fit you. Hold on and I’ll grab it.”

Shame darkened her cheeks a deep red, and she could only nod in acceptance of the other woman’s kind gesture.

Libby sat down on the bed and turned onto her side, welcoming the soft feel of cotton against her cheek.

She closed her eyes, and exhaustion hung on her slight frame, weighing her down until she succumbed to its demanding pull.

When Ana returned a few minutes later, she found Libby fast asleep. She placed a clean T-shirt on the table next to the bed and left as silently as she’d come.

The smell of food eventually brought her around.

Libby’s eyes flew open and nightfall was evident from the shadows lurking about the corners. She was still in the room she’d woken up in, and someone had been kind enough to leave a small nightlight glowing. Its arc was small but it lit the room enough for her to see, and for that she was grateful. She hated the dark and all the monsters that accompanied it.

Voices could be heard outside her room and down the hall, several in fact, and she strained her ears trying to discern their identities. After a few moments she knew that Jaxon, Declan, and Ana were all present, and two other men.

She would have preferred to stay in her room, safely hidden. But her stomach was painfully protesting its empty state, and if she wasn’t mistaken, the scent of barbecue was wafting deliciously in the air.

She swung her legs over, and was up before she convinced herself to stay behind, which was something she might have done a few days earlier. Hell, a week ago she’d have stayed holed up in the bedroom until she passed out from hunger.

The thought of confronting the man she’d almost made love to would have been unimaginable. Especially considering he could change from a deadly predator into just about the sexiest male she had ever laid eyes on.

Cool air caressed her breasts, and she swore. Shit! She’d forgotten about the torn shirt.

Her fingers closed the gaping fabric as her eyes frantically searched the room. She breathed a sigh of relief when she spotted a neatly folded shirt left on the side table, and immediately made the switch.

The T-shirt was a little on the small side, way too tight across the chest for comfort, and she hesitated for a moment, hating the way it drew attention to her body.

Well, it’s not like he hasn’t seen them.

Libby snorted at that thought, not liking the heat that flushed her cheeks, and in the end it was the sharp emptiness in her gut that urged her forward. She quickly left the room and walked with calm steps, head held high, until she entered the large open area where everyone was congregated.

All conversation stopped, and she felt the heat of five separate pairs of eyes. Jaxon was to her extreme right, so she ignored that direction completely, focusing on the one friendly face she could see.

It belonged to an older gentleman, his weathered eyes crinkled in greeting, but the warmth disappeared entirely as Jaxon growled like an animal from the end of the table.

She faltered for a second, smiled tentatively at the older man, and walked toward the kitchen counter where the remnants of a meal lay scattered on several plates.

All that was left was the discards. Well, that and a glass that held about an inch of a dark red substance. Thinking of Ana, her stomach flipped over, and she looked away from what was obviously blood.

Libby stood there like an idiot, trying to ignore the silence that weighed on her like a slab of concrete. She knew everyone at the table was watching her, and she had the insane urge to make an obscene gesture behind her back. She actually raised her hand, but thought better of it, and walked around the counter, hoping there might be some leftovers.

There was nothing.

To her right, past the wall of windows, she spied two large dogs sprawled on the porch. They were happily gnawing away at several large bones. Pain sliced through her at the sight.

Jaxon had thought to feed his dogs. Nice.

The dogs got steak and bones, and she…well, she got dick all.

Once again she was at the low end of the pecking order. She inhaled softly, wanting to cry but fighting it.

Tags: Juliana Stone Jaguar Warriors Paranormal