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“No, it was no coincidence. It was a setup. I took out the sniper. He was a paid assassin. The poor bastard was human. Someone was stupid enough to send a human soldier out to kill a jaguar. He knew nothing, but I heard his phone conversation and he was definitely taking orders.”

Jaxon’s face darkened even more as he felt the animal inside of him begin to stir in reaction to his intense, warring emotions. He took a deep breath, noticing the way Declan retreated.

“Someone was using Libby as bait to get me out in the open, and whoever the hell it is, knew where she was. I’ve been hunting her for the last three years and had no clue she was working in some dead end diner in northern Michigan.”

His skin began to burn and he growled deeply from his chest. “I’m going to find the bastard that ordered the hit and rip him to pieces with my bare claws.” Jaxon flexed his powerful forearms and his skin itched to let the beast free.

“Someone wants me dead. The only reason I’m standing here right now is the fact that Libby fainted and I reacted on instinct and broke her fall.”

“Well, looks like the bitch was good for something after all.”

Both men turned in surprise as a small compact woman walked into the room. She was petite, yes, but hard as nails. Dressed from head to toe in tight black leather, she moved as if walking on air. Her long auburn hair hung in waves to her waist, flowing softly as if a breeze lived amidst the luxurious length. Freckles sprinkled across a small upturned nose, and her expressive sapphire eyes were almost overpowering on such a delicate childlike face.

But the woman who stood before them was anything but a child. She was a lethal killing machine who needed blood to survive. Lots and lots of blood.

Her name was Ana and she was the missing member of his team.

She was also a three-hundred-year-old vampire who loved to kick ass, and at the moment there was no mistake as to whose ass was next in line.

Chapter 6

What, no hug? No kisses?” Ana’s soft voice purred as she smiled at the two of them, but Jaxon knew better. She was pissed.

He was quiet for a few seconds. His face darkened and the air seemed to swirl around him as he spoke. “You will not go near her unless I’m present, Ana. Are we clea


Her eyes narrowed and she hissed in anger. Her fangs began to elongate and she growled loudly as she took a step closer.

Declan stepped between the two of them, his voice harsh and commanding.

“Back off, both of you! This is bullshit!” He turned to Jaxon. Both men were of equal height, and formidable opponents when the need arose. “Ana and I came because you asked us for help. We both dropped everything and we’re here, aren’t we?”

Declan shook his head in disgust, his voice barely controlled. “You will not deny us the satisfaction of making that bitch pay for what she did to Diego. Hell, what she did to all of us.”

His eyes sought out the intense blue ones of the vampire, softening at the pain so ill concealed behind the bejeweled depths.

“And we will. We all will, when the time is right. Libby is the key here. Everything comes back to her. Right now we need her alive, but once we have the answers—”

“All bets are off,” Ana’s voice bit through. Bitterness and anger hardened the soft features of her face.

“I won’t tell you again, Ana. Leave her alone. She has no memory of her life, she has no answers for you, and I don’t trust you around her. You can’t be objective where she’s concerned.”

Jaxon clenched his teeth together as his anger got the better of him.

“The sun is waking up. I need to rest.”

Ana abruptly turned on her heel and headed toward the private quarters, where they each had their own space. “Thanks for the warm welcome, Castille…so glad to be back.”

Her voice gently drifted back toward them and Jaxon swore in frustration. She was the one person he had no desire to alienate. He had lost his cousin the day Diego died, but Ana…she had lost so much more.

Roughly, he ran his hands through the black hair on top of his head. Weariness was starting to settle into his bones, and he knew he needed sleep in order to function properly.

“You should get some rest too, Dec. We’ll start fresh in a few hours.”

Jaxon turned and headed toward his own room, pausing as the urge to check on Libby tore through his body. He had to physically force himself to follow in Ana’s footsteps.

He reached his quarters and tiredly flopped onto the bed, dirty clothes and all. His eyes closed and he was immediately assaulted with images of Libby.

Tags: Juliana Stone Jaguar Warriors Paranormal