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“That’s if you’ll marry me.”

“I…what…” She stumbled over her words and then wrapped her arms around him, kissing every inch of his face and then finding his mouth again. When Cooper finally managed to pull away, he was breathing hard.

“Was that a yes?” he asked gruffly.

She nodded. “Yes.”

A sly, wicked smile curved his mouth as he moved her toward the plane. “You heard of the Mile High Club, right?”

She shook her butt in his face as she started up the stairs. “I’m sure you’re a bona fide member.”

“Actually, I’m not. I’m a Mile High virgin.”

“Really.” She so didn’t believe him.

“Really.” He grinned. “Cross my heart.”

“Huh.” She disappeared into the plane, but her words lingered between them. “If that’s true, and that’s a big if, you won’t be by the time we land.”

“I don’t cross my heart for anyone, sweets.”

Cooper chuckled as he took the last two steps behind her. It was going to be an interesting trip to Europe. Heck, with Morgan at his side, it was going to be one hell of an interesting life.

Cooper Simon had a lot to be grateful for. And as he reached for the woman he loved, he decided to thank her for being at the top of that list. His grin widened.

“What?” she asked breathlessly.

“Thanks,” he murmured against her mouth.

“For what?”

Cooper didn’t say anything else. He gathered her into his arms and spent the next several hours showing her exactly what he was grateful for. It was a trip each of them would remember.

A trip where they vowed to never let go of the one thing that completed them.

And that would be each other.


To my readers. I need to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me on this crazy journey. Your kind notes and words of encouragement mean the world to me and I appreciate it more than I can express.

I’ve loved spending time with the Simons and the Barkers, and I hope you’re as excited as I am to head back to Crystal Lake with my new series, The Blackwells of Crystal Lake. Find out what happens to Angel and John’s children! For those of you who’d like a sneak peak the first chapter from book one, YOU MAKE ME WEAK, is included at the end of this book! I hope you enjoy!

For those of you who are online, please find me at the following places, and sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss out on any news or releases!

Be safe, be happy, and be kind! xoxo, Juliana




Also by Juliana Stone

Coming Fall 2016! Return to Crystal Lake with the Blackwells and find out what happened to Angel and John’s children! Book one and two now available for pre order!

Tags: Juliana Stone The Family Simon Romance