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She’d turned slightly, her body trembling, legs shaking, and it took him a moment to realize she was hiding from him, the soft glow from the fire sliding across her left side. The undamaged side.

“Hey.” A frown crossed his face, and he reached for her. “Morgan.” Suddenly unsure, he waited a few moments, not knowing how to proceed. His desire sat heavy and hard between his legs, and he knew she wanted him just as bad, so what the hell had he missed?

He dragged a hand through the damp hair atop his head, stilling when she slowly sat up, though she remained averted.

“We can stop.” He barely got the words out—it would be hard as hell to stop. But he’d made her a promise. “Just say the word.”

She swiped at her face, and something inside him melted. Was she crying? Had he pushed her too far? Suddenly filled with remorse, Cooper sat back on his haunches, trying to find the right words.

“Are you all right? Did I do something to hurt you? Because you gotta let me know if I did. You gotta let me know so I never do it again.”

She shook her head, exhaling in a long shudder. “No,” she replied after a few seconds. “I’m just…” Her voice quivered. “I haven’t let anyone see me like this. Not since Nathan, and he…he couldn’t handle it. The look on his face when he saw me for the first time… I…” Her voice broke, and with a curse, Cooper moved forward, enveloping her in his arms. He kissed the top of her head and held her.

He’d hold her for as long as she needed, but his New Englander surprised him. She pushed against his chest and turned so that the firelight danced across her skin. Morgan took his hand and placed it at the crook of her neck. The skin there was puckered, hard and rough. She traced his fingers down her shoulder and to her arm, before guiding him to the damaged skin on her side. All the while, her gaze on him, eyes wide open, searching for something.

“This repulsed him,” she whispered, bottom lip trembling. “And for the longest time, I believed I was repulsive and ugly and—”

Cooper pressed his finger against her mouth and moved so that his face was less than a whisper from hers. He slid both hands up along each side of her jaw and held her there so that she had no option but to see him. To see the truth he spoke.

“You are beautiful. Every single fucking inch of you is beautiful, because every damn inch is a piece of you. Every damn inch of you counts and matters.” His hand slid to the damaged skin at her neck. “This is part of you. It fits. It belongs. To me, it’s perfect. You got that?”

She slowly nodded, her pink tongue touching the edge of her bottom lip, and his cock hardened even more. “Thank you,” she whispered.

He searched her face, waiting for a sign, and sighed when she reached for him, her generous mouth sliding across his with a gentle caress.

Cooper pushed her back against the rug, rolling her onto her back and nuzzling her neck as he did so. His hands roved hungrily, finding her breasts, her stomach, and then the warm, wet center he craved. He smiled, teasing her with his fingers.

Morgan was ready, and he couldn’t wait any longer.

He rose up in front of her, dropping a hungry kiss to her lips before positioning himself between her legs. She immediately sank her

hands into his hair, pulling him back, her kiss deepening as he slid his cock along her opening. Cooper grinned at the sound that fell out of her when he made contact. She thrust her hips up, and Cooper was, if anything, a pleaser. He pushed into her without pause, groaning at the feel of her. So tight. So wet. So damn ready for him.

She stretched over him, gripping his cock as he began to thrust, and with one hand beneath her butt, he used his other so that he could look down at her. He was wound tight—so damn tight—and he knew he wouldn’t last long.

“I’m going to apologize now, because this is gonna be fast,” he whispered hoarsely, upping his tempo. A savage smile touched his mouth when she moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist.

She reached for him as his thrusts became more aggressive…faster and harder. Her skin damp, slick with sweat and passion, made it hard to hold his grip. Made it easy to slide in and out.

“I like fast,” she panted, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Good to know,” he growled near her ear.

“Slow can be good.”

He smiled at that, though the smile left just as quickly, because his orgasm was knocking hard. “We’ve got all night.”

“We do.” She gasped, and he felt her walls tighten. Jesus, he couldn’t hold out much longer. He withdrew completely—grinned wickedly when she protested—and then plunged inside Morgan, pushing into her until he all but disappeared. For one perfect moment, their eyes caught and held.

And then she leaned back, a moan escaping—a moan that turned into a full-on scream as she came for him.

Cooper Simon felt like a champ as he raced toward his own release. Damn right they had the entire night ahead of them. He tightened, plunged into her one last time, and roared as he came.

He was one scream down and a dozen more to go.


Morgan came awake slowly and took a few seconds to let her eyes adjust to the early morning gloom. She was in Cooper’s bed, and he lay beside her on his back, one arm splayed above his head, the other flung over her belly. The sheets were a tangle around both of them, and she groaned a little as she tried to move her legs.

Tags: Juliana Stone The Family Simon Romance